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Catalyst Does an acid or a base have a higher pH?

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst Does an acid or a base have a higher pH?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst Does an acid or a base have a higher pH?
SHOW YOUR WORK!! Does an acid or a base have a higher pH? Is an acid with a pH of 2 or an acid with a pH of 5.5 more acidic? Using the pH scale above and your knowledge, what are some properties of ammonia?

2 Today’s Objective SWBAT identify common indicators used to determine if a substance is an acid or a base SWBAT use indicators to determine if a substance is an acid or base CFU : Determine whether a substance is an acid or a base by its reaction to an indicator.

3 Word of the Week An _____ is an atom or group of atoms has a positive or negative charge because it has lost or gained electrons

4 Acids sour taste conduct electricity Low pH; turn indicators turn red
Example  lemon juice No HW

5 Bases Also called “alkaline” bitter taste, soapy feel
conduct electricity High pH; indicators turn (blue) Example  baking soda

6 What are some tests you could do to figure out whether a compound is an acid, abase, or neither?

7 The pH scale is a way of expressing the strength of acids and bases
The pH scale is a way of expressing the strength of acids and bases. Under 7 = acid = neutral Over 7 = base The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. REVIEW:

8 Chemical Formulas of Acids and Bases
The chemical formulas of acids generally start with H (or hydrogen) Ex: HCl is hydrochloric acid, an acid found in the human stomach Ex: H2SO4-sulfuric acid, an acid found in car batteries Many bases have chemical formulas that end in OH Ex: -

9 In order for scientists to determine if a substance is an acid or a base, they must determine the pH of the substance. They can use a variety of tools and methods to determine the pH of substances.

10 Indicator An indicator is a substance used to measure or indicate the pH of a solution Some examples of indicators: Litmus paper pH paper Titration pH meter

11 Litmus paper Litmus paper is the most commonly used indicator Litmus paper comes in two different colors: red and blue

12 Litmus paper If blue litmus paper turns red, it indicates that the solution is an acid (red = acid) If red litmus paper turns blue, it indicates that the solution is a base (blue = basic)


14 Litmus Paper Copyright © 2007 Pearson Benjamin Cummings. All rights reserved.


16 pH paper pH paper is multi-colored Place the pH paper in a solution
Read and record the color change. Note what the color indicates.

17 pH meter Tests the voltage of the electrolyte (acids and bases are both electrolytes meaning they dissociate into ions) Converts the voltage to pH Very cheap, accurate

18 Acids and Bases The pH is a measure of how acidic (H+) or basic (-OH) a solution is. A scale with values ranging from below 0 to above 14 is used to measure pH. More acidic More basic Neutral

19 Acids and bases Acids have a lot of Hydrogen ions (H+) and bases have a lot of Hydroxide ions (-OH). A solution is neutral if its pH equals seven. More acidic More basic H+ Neutral H+ H+ H+ -OH -OH H+ -OH H+ -OH H+ -OH H+ H+ H+ H+ -OH -OH H+ H+ -OH -OH H+ H+ H+ (H+) + (-OH) = H2O -OH -OH -OH H+ H+ H+ -OH H+ H+ -OH H+ H+ -OH -OH -OH H+ H+

20 pH Paper pH pH

21 Range and Color Changes of Some Common Acid-Base Indicators
pH Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Indicators Methyl orange red – yellow Methyl red red yellow Bromthymol blue yellow blue Neutral red red yellow From F. Brescia et al., Chemistry: A Modern Introduction, W. B. Saunders Co., 1978. Adapted from R. Bates, Determination of pH, Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1964. Choosing the correct indicator for an acid-base titration 1. For titrations of strong acids and strong bases (and vice versa), any indicator with a pKin between 4 and 10 will do 2. For the titration of a weak acid, the pH at the equivalence point is greater than 7, and an indicator such as phenolphthalein or thymol blue, with pKin > 7, should be used 3. For the titration of a weak base, where the pH at the equivalence point is less than 7, an indicator such as methyl red or bromcresol blue, with pKin < 7, should be used Phenolphthalein colorless red colorless beyond 13.0 Bromthymol blue indicator would be used in titrating a strong acid with a strong base. Phenolpthalein indicator would be used in titrating a weak acid with a strong base. Methyl orange indicator would be used in titrating a strong acid with a weak base.

22 pH Copyright © 2007 Pearson Benjamin Cummings. All rights reserved.

Acid color Transition color Base color STRONG ACID – STRONG BASE Litmus pH Bromthymol blue

Indicator Acid color Transition color Base color Methyl orange Bromphenol blue STRONG ACID – WEAK BASE pH

25 Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phenolphthalein Methyl Red
Colorless Pink Red Methyl Red Red Orange Yellow Orange IV Orange Peach Yellow

26 Other pH Indicators Bromothymol blue Cabbage indicator

27 Red Cabbage Indicator Copyright © 2007 Pearson Benjamin Cummings. All rights reserved.

28 What now??? Take out your lab from yesterday. Identify the liquids by:
Using the litmus paper to identify acid or base Using the color of the pH paper and cabbage juice to identify the actual pH Answer the concept questions on the back, based on your results

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