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Structural Elements of Poetry

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1 Structural Elements of Poetry

2 Important Vocabulary verse/stanza rhyme scheme imagery

3 Stanza/Verse a stanza/verse is like a paragraph in a poem
a group of lines in a poem that go together a poem can have multiple stanzas or verses stanzas or verses are separated by a blank line

4 How many stanzas? I threw a small water balloon. That’s all. I hid.
I tossed. I ran. My victim knows, and lies in wait with the garden hose. Three stanzas/verses

5 Imagery a poet often writes poems to create word pictures
it is the readers job to create the pictures in their minds when they read the poems it is sometimes a puzzle to figure out what the poet is describing

6 Imagery A crow stole the cone and six tiny sparrows hopped
vanilla footprints across the sidewalk. What event is this poem describing? What happened to the ice cream cone someone dropped

7 Rhyme Scheme a rhyme scheme describes in letters the pattern that the poems follows each line of the poem is assigned a letter that matches the other line it rhymes with EX. AABB or ABAB etc.

8 Name the Rhyme Scheme I saw a very pretty dog
But he was a bit cautious He had gotten lost in the fog And now was a bit nauseous ABAB

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