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Chapter 23 Era of Protest.

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1 Chapter 23 Era of Protest

2 23.1 Counter Culture

3 Hippies on a Commune What is a hippy What is a commune

4 Hippies a person who uses his/her behavior, music, dress, use of drugs, etc To reject _ Called the “baby boom” generation Set their lifestyle around 1. 2. 3. “Don’t trust anyone over 30” conventional values Sex- Describe what I mean by sex- how it isnt traditional any more Drugs- What type of drugs Rockn Roll- Music changes from gospel to ROCK

5 Experimentation of new drugs

6 Hippy Communes

7 Hippy Communes Hippy living communities Drug Use Sexual Interactions
This Leads to: 1. 2. Former Christians begin practicing new religions

8 Hippy Couple on a Commune

9 Hippy Dancing on a Commune

10 “Baby Boom” Generation

11 Why was this generation so radical?
Great Depression/WWII Generation  Survived _ Very _ Silent Generation  Raised by WWII generation Marriage & kids _ accepted _ Baby Boomer Generation self centered & shallow individuals Spoiled from not living through tired of the regular day to day _ Through bad times Traditional Young Traditions Tough times suburbian lifestyle

12 Generations

13 Irony- the youth today reject hippies

14 23.2 Women’s Rights

15 Feminism Equality for women Throw away stereotype of_
1840’s Seneca Falls 1920’s_ 1960’s_ Throw away stereotype of_ Sandra Day O’Connor 1st Woman Supreme Court Right to vote Roe v wade\ Women justice

16 National Organization for Women
Goal: True equality for _ Equal Rights Amendment Gender equality by law Right to_ ^ Fails Protested traditional_ Stay at home moms Miss America Pagents NOW Women ERA abortions women

17 Women fight feminism Phyllis Schlafy ERA would make
Feminism is an assault on: Family Marriage _ ERA would make Women fight in the military End sex separated bathrooms Children Hurt families

18 Feminist Movements Effects
Civil Rights Act ‘64 Outlaws discrimination based on _ Title IX of higher education Act ‘72 Illegal to deny credit due to gender Sports has to have equal number of _ Roe V. Wade All states allow Abortions “Glass Ceiling”- Women make less $$ Why? - “Trading 1st class families for 2nd class careers” Gender players Babies

19 23.4 1960s Environmental Movement


21 What should be the government role in regards to the environment?


23 Rachel Carson 1962 Silent Spring is _
This persuades Congress to restrict _ Environmental Movement_ Earth Day _ Published DDT begins 4/22


25 Richard Nixon 1. EPA: 2. Clean Air Act 3. Clean Water Act
Federal agency that regulates_ 2. Clean Air Act Combat_ 3. Clean Water Act Limit _ 4. Endangered Species Act Protect _

26 What should be the government role in regards to the environment?
List pros and cons of government getting involved in the protection of the environment.


28 Global Warming Pushers say that CO2 is a pollutant

29 Federal Agencies that impact your life



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