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CHAPTER 10 The Union in Peril.

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1 CHAPTER 10 The Union in Peril

2 North- Industry and Immigration
Most work in factories North becomes more anti slavery Fear job competition Railroad expansion connects the cities

3 South is mostly agricultural
1/3 of the population lived in the south South didn’t rely on RR’s mostly rivers The majority favored slavery and feared it’s demise

4 Wilmot Proviso- California, Utah, New Mexico would be closed to slavery forever.
Divided congress along regional lines Further divided the North and South California gold rush attracts massive amounts of immigrants. Cali’s new constitution forbade slavery( uh hello Missouri Compromise?)

5 In the senate southerners threaten to secede. Compromise of 1850
Cali as a free state Utah and N.M decide their own fate TX/NM border issue solved Slave sale banned in DC but not slavery itself Fugitive Slave Act required those in free states to capture escaped slaves

6 Personal liberty laws- forbade the imprisonment of runaway slaves, guaranteed a trial.
South…not happy Underground Railroad secret passages which led runaway slaves to freedom Most famous conductor was Harriet Tubman

7 Popular sovereignty- the ability of the people to decide
Kansas Nebraska Act-divided the territory into two- Neb to the North, and KS to the South It passed and abolished the Missouri Compromise, now all land would vote on slavery

8 Bleeding Kansas- John Brown felt he had been called by god to fight slavery
Pottawatomie Creek- he pulls 5 men from their beds and hacks off their hands to defend abolition

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