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Imperialism A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially

2 Africa before Imperialism
Divided into hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups Many different religions and governments kept Africa from uniting

3 David Livingstone Scottish minister
Traveled deep into Africa searching for the source of the Nile Set up a colony in Congo that was taken over by Belgium Europe also wanted to claim lands

4 Rubber farmers in the Congo
Hands were cut off if they refused to work

5 Motives for Imperialism
Industrialization- needed new markets and raw materials Nationalism- each country wanted to plant their flag Economic competition Social Darwinism- Europeans believed they were superior Missionaries- to spread Christianity

6 Forces Enabling Imperialism
Maxim gun- first automatic machine gun Steam engine and railroad- allowed easy travel Medicine-Cure for malaria

7 Queen Victoria Ruled England from 1837-1901
Longest rule of any English monarch (except current queen) Ruled during the Age of Industrial Revolution & Imperialism “The sun never sets on the British Empire” Ruled during the Increased suffrage (voting) for men By 1884, most adult males could vote Power shift to Parliament monarchy became mostly symbolic

8 Berlin Conference 14 European nations met to divide Africa so they would not go to war with each other Stated that any European country could claim land in Africa without regard to the people there No African leaders were present

9 In answering the call of imperialism, Europeans altered the way of life on every continent.

10 U.S. Imperialism Purchased Louisiana Territory from France in 1803
Victory against Mexico in the 1840’s secured Texas and all the land to the Pacific coast south of Canada Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867 Won Spanish-American War ( ) and added the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico Annexed Hawaii with its rich sugar plantations and vital port, Pearl Harbor

11 Our Scramble for Africa!
You are going to compete for some of the most valuable territories in Africa, as the Europeans did. Get with groups of 3. I will assign you a country. You may have to add some countries to your key. Each country will take turns rolling the dice. The highest roll wins the territory. If there is a tie, you are at war with that country! You will have a “roll off”, and the highest roll wins the territory! As your class divides Africa, you must keep track of how the territory is being divided on your map! Be sure to fill in the key! If you’re defeated in a “war” you must sit out the next round…you’re just trying to put your country back together!

12 Territories we will roll for!
Congo Ethiopia South Africa Algeria Egypt Nigeria

13 The real scramble for Africa
Next to the map of your class’s division of Africa, fill in what Africa really looked like after the Berlin Conference using page 592 in your textbook. You ONLY HAVE TO FILL OUT THE KEY AND COLOR THE COUNTRIES! NO LABELING!

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