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Rhetorical Devices Speech Unit .

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1 Rhetorical Devices Speech Unit 

2 Metaphor An implied comparison between two things that seem unrelated.
Ex. My mother was boiling mad. Ex. The assignment was a breeze.  Extended Metaphor – The comparison continues beyond a single sentence, usually into a whole paragraph, but sometimes the whole text. 

3 Simile A comparison using like or as Ex. John is as slow as a snail.
Ex. Her hair was like a sheet, covering her face.

4 Repetition Used to emphasize or make an idea clear, words or phrases will be repeated multiple times.  Ex.  "Because I do not hope to turn again        Because I do not hope        Because I do not hope to turn…" - "Ash-Wednesday" by T.S. Eliot  Ex. The new boss says that, in this organization, the wrong person was appointed for the wrong job, following the wrong procedure, but this will not happen again.

5 Allusion Different from "illusions." An indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical/literary/cultural significance.  Ex. His Herculean strength was astounding. Ex. Eduardo is the new Newton of our school.  Ex. When  the struggle is real, I might say, "You're killing me, smalls!" 

6 Alliteration The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Ex. Peter Piper Picked a peck of Pickled Peppers Ex. Bed Bath and Beyond

7 Hyperbole Exaggerating for the sake of emphasis
Ex. I've told you a thousand times Ex. I'll just die without my 2nd energy drink!

8 Logos, Pathos, Ethos Each of these are literary devices meant to help persuade the reader/listener.  Logos uses logic or reason  Ex. Presenting facts or referencing history Pathos tries to stir up an emotional response (whatever emotion the speaker wants them to feel) Ex. Using language that make people feel  Ex. Using topics the audience feels strongly about (children, puppies, etc.) Ethos verifies the credibility of the author.   Ex. Stating your experience, qualifications, or explaining why YOU are giving this speech

9 Assignment (due Friday)
Find one of the devices we learned in your independent reading book. Sticky note or book mark it, label which device it is, and show me!

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