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Savings & Checking.

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Presentation on theme: "Savings & Checking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Savings & Checking

2 Saving Why is it important to save money?
Have access when needed (emergencies or big purchases) Saving regularly --- get used to it Economy benefits: gives other people/businesses $ to borrow Earn interest: fee someone pays to be able to borrow money Rule of 72: how long will it take for your principal to double? Ex: 72 / IR = time (years)

3 Savings Vehicles (Accounts)
Savings vehicle= place for you to save your money! Principal = amount you initially deposited

4 Savings Vehicles Savings Account: general savings; less access than checking; no checks! Money Market Account: part checking/ part savings; can write checks; higher interest rate; higher minimum balance Certificates of Deposit: deposit held for a term (specific amount of time) & penalized if withdraw early; earn more interest

5 Again…. Why Save? Best Budgeting Practices: Pay yourself FIRST (save!)
Don’t spend money you don’t have Save for a rainy day Save early/ save often

6 Checking What is the best thing to do with money you make or receive?
What is a checking account?

7 Choosing an Account… Accounts have lots of different features. For example: “Required balance:” min amnt that must be kept in acct at all times; can be charged fee “FDIC-insured:” $ is safe & insured by gov’t – if sthng happens to the bank, you’ll get your $ back Some banks pay interest in checking accts, but it’s very small Potential fees…. ATM fee; bounced check; overdraft; service fee

8 Using a Checking Account
Deposit: money you put into your account Check register: keep track of the checks you write (when, amount, to who, for what) Debit cards (take $ directly out of your checking acct (like a check in card form)

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