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Human Growth and Development

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1 Human Growth and Development
Day #14 April 26, 2011 Human Growth and Development

2 Agenda Roll Call Begin grade school years Film: FAT City Workshop
Return tests

3 Who am I? *professional name
On your card, write your name and the date – Name the name of the mystery person: For 3 points write his nom de plume* for 3 more points his real name. Submit. *professional name

From Preoperational to Concrete Operational Thought ERIKSON From Initiative versus Guilt to Industry versus Inferiority FREUD From Phallic to Latency

5 Ages 7-11 according to Piaget: Concrete Operational Thought
less egocentric able to reverse operations and decenter can conserve, but development is uneven literal thinking; uneven ability to use abstractions or make hypotheses change must be able to see or imagine events

6 Cognitive Development
Memory improves Children begin developing memory- aiding strategies metamemory - knowledge of one’s own memory processes Mnemonic devices

7 Measures of Average Mean – arithmetic average
Sum of all scores divided by the total number of scores Median – midpoint in the distribution Half of the scores fall above it and half fall below it Mode – most frequently occurring score in the distribution

8 Standard Deviation from the Mean

9 Bimodal distribution Skewed distribution

10 Intelligence Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is the ratio of mental age to chronological age MA x = IQ CA (multiplied by 100 to make it a whole number rather than a fraction) Usually, IQ is measured by a score on an intelligence test (score = mental age)

11 I.Q. Normal Curve Percentile rank – as if baseline were points from 1 – Where would a particular score rank in relation to all other scores?

12 Film FAT City Workshop

13 Class Break nge#p/a/C122061BDC373B4B/1/Us- TVg40ExM

14 Return tests

15 Assignment Be Reading Chapters 9 – 12 Grade School and Adolescence
Be Present in class book reviews on Thursday! No excuses!

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