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Warm-up – Prior Knowledge Style

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1 Warm-up – Prior Knowledge Style
In your groups try and brainstorm a list of things you know about the Civil War. Even if the information is random, throw it out there. We share out in a few minutes, BE READY to be called on.

2 Unit 1 Day 1 The Sectional Crisis

3 What was the Missouri Compromise?
New states begin to enter the Union North and South argue over whether they will allow slavery M.Comp = line drawn 36-30 Above = free Below = slave

4 What was the economic reliance on Cotton/Slaves?
The South was VERY dependent on Cotton and Slaves The NORTH was Factory Based and Industrial Centered Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin Turn and Talk - How do you think this affected slavery? Why? Slavery continues to grow as a result of the Cotton Gin

5 What was the Abolition Movement?
Abolition (elimination) of slavery comes as part of 2nd Great Awakening Abolitionist feel they have a moral duty to eliminate slavery Frederick Douglass/ Sojourner Truth / Harriet Beecher Stowe and more

6 What was Manifest Destiny?
Idea that westward expansion was white America’s fate Pervasive belief in American cultural & racial superiority Led to US expansion

7 Western Expansion

8 How did slavery affect expansion?
As more people moved West more states became part of the Union Representation in Congress at stake (Missouri Compromise) States needed to be free or slave (popular sovereignty comes to light)

9 The Growing Tensions over Slavery

10 Today’s Activity: So…does this westward expansion cause some problems?
On your own / Jigsaw: Read page of the text and: 1) create an word map that answers the following: “What events led to the secession of the Southern States?” (you will want to include info on each of the major compromises)


12 The Sectional Crisis Continued
Unit 1 Day 2 The Sectional Crisis Continued

13 Warm-up – Vocab Style Individually, take a look at the Word Wall and create a list of all of the terms you cannot explain. -After creating your list, ask the people around you if they can explain the information you do not know. - Create a list of everything your grouping still does not understand

14 Band Aids and Violence (a refresher)
Compromise of lets CA in as a free state in exchange for…. Fugitive Slave Act – Had to hand slaves over Turn and Talk: “What unintended results might come of this compromise?”

15 How did compromise affect Kansas?
Kansas-Nebraska Act – Popular Sovereignty Expanding slavery? Missouri Comp gone Bleeding Kansas Border Ruffians Start of Civil War?

16 How did “Dred Scott v. Sanford” fuel the fire?
***One of the most famous Supreme Court Cases*** Dred Scott was a slave from Missouri but was taken to live in WI and IL Scott declares ‘I am a free man!’ and sues This is important because: The United States government finally had to take a definitive stand on slavery!!

17 Turn & Talk about Dred Scott
1) What would have been your ruling on this case? 2) What do you think the courts said? 3) How would your ruling affect the tensions between North and South?

18 Supreme Court rules that:
Slaves are not citizens & therefore have no rights Congress does not have the right to regulate slavery because the government can’t take your property!!! Southerners were obviously elated

19 Bye- Bye Union – Bye- Bye Happiness
The south threatens to secede (leave) Union if Lincoln is elected Tensions & violence rise John Brown attacks Harper’s Ferry He is not successful

20 Analyze these images: 1) How is John Brown portrayed?

21 Lincoln Elected/Southerners secede!
On your own / Jigsaw: Read page of the text and: 1) continue to work on your word webs, BUT begin to add detail as to HOW the topics you picked led to the Civil War. 2) In your groups create a detailed plan for avoiding the Civil War (how would you do it?)

22 Benchmark 2.1: Causes of the Civil War
Important Terms Sectionalism Abolitionist Secession People Frederick Douglass Dred Scott John Brown Abraham Lincoln Events and Issues Missouri Compromise Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act Kansas-Nebraska Act Republican Party Dred Scott Decision Harper’s Ferry

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