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Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing…I don’t get it!

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Presentation on theme: "Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing…I don’t get it!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing…I don’t get it!
Learn how to avoid plagiarism

2 Quoting Quoting is easy
Use exactly the same words as the author. Just use quotes. “The red marks are quotes.” Use the author’s name and page number at the end of the quote. Example time! “Why does poop smell bad? Well, the fragrance of poop depends a lot on the kinds of food you eat.” (Masoff, 124)

3 Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is easy!
Take notes on the paragraph you want to use. Rewrite the notes in your own words. Put the author’s name and the page number at the end. Example time! See the next slide

4 Paraphrase example Original paragraph Paraphrase
“Trap-door spiders dig a tunnel and line it with silk. Then they close it with a movable door. When they sense the vibrations of a victim walking by, they throw open the door to “welcome” their new guest.” (Masoff, 166) Paraphrase Spiders that make tunnels lined with silk are called trap-door. They are called that because they close the tunnel with a door that moves. They can feel insects walking by and jump out of their tunnel to surprise them. (Masoff, 166)

5 Summaries Summaries are easy! Do you see a pattern yet?
Use only the main idea from a paragraph Put the author’s name and the page number at the end. Example time! Go to the next slide silly.

6 Summarize Original paragraph Summary
“Ever have a big glob of gluey stuff stuck just at the back of your throat? You just never know quite what to do with it. Should you swallow it, snort it, or sling it out of your mouth? Well, spitting may be considered pretty gross nowadays, but a hundred years ago, it was totally cool to spit.” (Masoff, 167) Summary A hundred of years ago it used to be cool to spit. (Masoff, 167)

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