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K-2 Reading Foundation Instructional Materials & Training

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1 K-2 Reading Foundation Instructional Materials & Training

2 National Reading Panel
Phonemic Awareness Phonics Vocabulary Development Fluency Comprehension Writing The five core components that are essential in literacy development are: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. And we can not forget to include Writing.

3 Phonemic Awareness The phonemic awareness activities developed by CompassLearning provide students with opportunities to hear and work with spoken sounds in a variety of engaging ways. Students have the opportunity to isolate, identify, blend, segment, delete, and add sounds to develop an understanding of phonemic awareness. AssetsforPPTs\ PA_bugdunk.exe

4 Phonics CompassLearning uses a systematic and explicit approach to phonics instruction. Phonics instruction activities are developed in such a way that students have an opportunity to immediately apply and practice the phonics skills learned in a decodable text and in meaningful passages. AssetsforPPTS\LA1RB02b_phonics.exe

5 Vocabulary Development
Vocabulary activities developed by CompassLearning are embedded in meaningful stories and provided students practice opportunities to hear and use with new words in engaging ways. Students are repeatedly exposed to new and important words and have opportunities to apply and practice the new words learned. Assetsfor PPTS\LA2RI03d_Vocab.swf

6 Fluency CompassLearning activities provide models for students to hear fluent reading as well as the ability to have a single word read to them as they are reading. This support and whole text modeling provides the support necessary for fluent reading. Students may also read and reread passages until an adequate fluency level is attained. AssetsforPPTs\fluency\fluency_Design1.swf

7 Comprehension CompassLearning comprehension activities provide students the opportunity to demonstrate comprehension knowledge of identified skills directly related to reading passages. AssetsforPPTs\Unusual Girl\LA2RB03f_Comp.swf

8 Writing CompassLearning Odyssey Writing provide audio support and interactive tools for students that engage students and allow them to create their own stories and pictures for the expression of comprehension. AssetsforPPTs\Story Creator\Story Creator.exe


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