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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Objectives Return workout plans to use during workouts later
Diet and nutrition (I’m not a pro at this)

3 But first…

4 Half-Windsor Front of tie facing out Wider end longer than narrow end
Cross the wide end over the narrow end Bring the wide end up through the loop and bring it down on the same side bring the wide end underneath and over to the other side and cross over the narrow end (in the front) Bring wide end up through the loop again Pull wide end through the pocket Tighten and adjust as needed!

5 Moving on…

6 Diet What is your definition of diet? (write it down)

7 Diet vs. Nutrition What is the difference? Nutrition: keeping good health through eating right Diet: What someone eats and drinks in a day

8 Diet and Nutrition What can affect someone’s diet?

9 Diet and Nutrition

10 Diet and Nutrition




14 Diet and Nutrition

15 True or False If you are trying to build muscle, you want to eat as much protein all at once, after your workout. True False Instead, you should spread out your protein intake. Your body can process only so much protein in a single sitting. A recent study from the University of Texas found that consuming 90 grams of protein at one meal provides the same benefit as eating 30 grams.

16 What does Harvard say? Carbs: 45% - 65% - whole grain vs. simple sugars Fat: 20% - 35% - Which of these is better? Where can we find them? Unsaturated Olive oil, fish, nuts Saturated Red meat, whole fat milk, fried food Protein: 10% - 35% Chicken, fish

17 See anything wrong with this?





22 http://www. clipsyndicate. com/video/playlist/10833/2801258

23 Can you eat right at Cheever?

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