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Advertising December 9, 2016 Section 19.1.

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1 Advertising December 9, 2016 Section 19.1

2 Bell Ringer 1. What is the difference between a contest and a sweepstakes? Provide an example of each.

3 Teams Get in groups based on your card Aces are wild! Aces go to Mrs. Gallegos. Sit together with your new group. Grab textbooks for your team.

4 Agenda Bell Ringer Concept & Purpose of Advertising
Types of Advertising – Promotional vs. Institutional Types of Advertising Media – Teams Presentations

5 Objectives Explain the concept and purpose of advertising in the promotional mix Identify the different types of advertising media Discuss the planning and selection of media.

6 The Main Idea Advertising is an important element of promotion. Businesses advertise to promote their ideas, goods and services. INCREASE SALES INFORM CUSTOMERS

7 Advertising Advertising – non-personal promotion. Promotes ideas, goods or services. Promotional – goal is to increase sales Institutional – goal is to create a favorable image Advertising Promotional Institutional

8 Teams 2’s – Newspapers 3’s – Magazines 4’s – Direct Mail & Directory 5’s – Outdoor & Transit 6’s – Television 7’s – Radio 8’s – Opt-in & Banner and search engines 9’s – Rich-media & video ads and social media 10’s – Specialty media Jack’s – Other Advertising Media

9 Read your section in the textbook. Step 2:
On your chart, explain what your form of media is and how it works. Step 3: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your media. Step 4: Provide an example of your media – search online to “capture” an image of your media in action. Step 5: Teach your classmates!

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