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Cells Chapter 7.

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1 Cells Chapter 7

2 What is a Cell? The basic unit of all forms of life
Smallest unit of life

3 How were cells discovered?
Van Leeuwenhoek: 1600’s, invented the microscope Hooke: 1665, first to see cells and names them cells because they remind him of small rooms Schleiden: 1838, all plants made of cells Schwann: 1839, all animals made up of cells Virchow: 1855, all cells come from preexisting cells

4 The Cell Theory All living things are composed of cells.
Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things New cells are produced from existing cells

5 Cell Structure Many shapes and sizes 5 – 50 micrometers in diameter
Smallest cells = bacteria Large cells = giant amoeba (1000 micrometers)

6 Basic Cell Structures Cell Membrane = thin, flexible barrier around the cell. Help support and protect the cell and determines what gets in and out of the cell Cell Wall = strong layer outside of the cell membrane (plant cells). Used for support and protection.

7 Basic Cell Structures Nucleus: controls the cell and holds the genetic material Cytoplasm: material inside the cell membrane (gooey) that holds the nucleus and other cell structures

8 2 Types of Cells Prokaryotes: no nucleus, small simple, still considered living - Ex. bacteria 2. Eukaryotes: have a nucleus and organelles (cell organs), can live on their own or make up multicellular organisms (plants, animals)

9 Cell Structures Chapter 7-2

10 Animal Cell

11 The Nucleus Controls all of the cell processes
Holds the hereditary info (DNA)

12 Parts of the Nucleus: Chromatin: DNA attached to protein
Chromosomes: condensed chromatin, how DNA is passed on to offspring Nucleolus: dense center of nucleus, makes ribosomes Nuclear Envelope: membrane around the nucleus

13 The Cytoskeleton protein filaments that support and move the cell
Microtubules: hollow tubes that move organelles Cilia and Flagella: outside of the cell, move the cell Microfilaments: thin fibers that support the cell

14 Ribosomes Make proteins
Turns RNA into protein using instructions from the nucleus Free = floating in the cytoplasm Attached = attached to the membranes of organelles

15 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Assembles components of the cell membrane, modifies proteins Rough ER = has ribosomes attached, protein modifier Smooth ER = no attached ribosomes, enzyme collector

16 Golgi Apparatus Stacks of membranes Packages and sends proteins
Attaches carbohydrates and lipids to proteins and then sends them to the rest of the cell to be used

17 Lysosomes Small organelle filled with enzymes
Uses its enzymes to break down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins so they can be used

18 Mitochondria Releases energy from food
Uses energy from food to make high-energy compounds that the cell can use to power growth, development, and movement

19 Animal Cell

20 Plant Cell

21 Cell Wall Lies outside the cell membrane
Lets water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other substances pass Provides support and protection for the cell Made up of carbohydrates and proteins (cellulose)

22 Vacuoles Storage containers
Store water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates Stores liquid and creates pressure that holds the plant up with its flowers and leaves

23 Chloroplasts Contain the pigment chlorophyll (green)
Catches the energy from the sun to make energy-rich food molecules (photosynthesis)

24 Plant vs. Animal Cells

25 Cell Summary

26 Cells gotta work to live!
What jobs do cells have to do? make proteins proteins control every cell function make energy for daily life for growth make more cells growth repair Renewal Cells Use Different Organelles to Accomplish the Jobs

27 Proteins do all the work!
cells DNA Repeat after me… Proteins do all the work! organism

28 Cells functions Building proteins read DNA instructions build proteins
Nucleus build proteins Ribosomes process proteins Rough ER, Smooth ER address & transport proteins Golgi Body

29 Building Proteins Organelles involved nucleus ribosomes
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Golgi apparatus vesicles The Protein Assembly Line Golgi apparatus nucleus ribosome ER vesicles

30 Any Questions!!

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