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Computerized Keyboarding

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1 Computerized Keyboarding
Internet Unit

2 What is the Internet? A system of computer networks that are all connected to one another. Each network is made up of computers all over the world that communicate with each other using the same language

3 Local Area Networks (LANs)
World Wide Web Limestone Rm 5 Library Limestone Server Rm 7 Rm 94b Rm 94a Rm 34

4 Wide Area Network (WAN)
Chicago Peoria Bradley Caterpillar Government Residences

5 Growth of the Internet 1.6 billion people use the Internet
today on a daily basis (19% American) 90% use Microsoft Windows 90% use Microsoft Office 2014 – 3.4 billion While there are charges for some services found on the Internet, use of the Internet itself is free.

6 Costs of Operation Educational Organizations
Government Research Agencies Military Commercial Organizations Each Network is developed and maintained by different organizations

7 Who is Responsible? No single person or organization maintains, controls, or owns the Internet. EVERYONE is part owner of the Internet EVERYONE is responsible for their own use of the Internet.

8 How does the Internet Work?
Comparable to the Interstate highway system. Designed for high-speed travel (of data or cars) There are a multitude of inputs and outputs (on-ramps and off-ramps) from smaller networks or smaller roadways.

9 Internet vs. Highway Greater the traffic, the slower everything moves; just like a traffic jam on a highway

10 Internet vs. Highway Neither are controlled or owned by a single entity, and provide a variety of routes to get from Point A to Point B. Appear to be “free” to the users (although we pay indirectly with our tax dollars)

11 Difference Between Internet & Highway
The Internet is global; it encompasses the world through networks that are connected through telephone systems, satellites, and high-speed data lines; and its speed is not affected by distance.

12 Internet History The Internet can be traced back to when the military (United States Department of Defense) began an experimental network called ARPANET. This allowed scientists with research grants to communicate with one another and share research files more easily.

13 Internet History Until the 1990’s the Internet was used primarily for research, education, and military purposes. It became “big news” when the media, businesses and individuals got involved and online.

14 Internet History It’s important to understand how fast Internet usage is growing. The Internet is actually structural chaos that is continually growing and expanding as its accessibility increases worldwide.

15 World Wide Web Started in 1989 A system of interconnected
information (text, images, pictures and sounds) that can be linked and accessed anywhere in the world The Internet is the means for accessing the information on the World Wide Web. The primary web page for an individual or an organization is called a home page.

16 World Wide Web The Web is accessed through a Browser
Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Google Chrome are types of browsers Access to these home pages is through URLs (Uniform Resource Locators, or Internet addresses). There are three parts to an Internet address: (1) www, (2) organization, and (3) domain.

17 Common Domains .com (commercial) .edu (educational) .mil (miltary)
.int (international) .net (network) .org (organization) .gov (government)

18 World Wide Web Hyperlinks are connections between two Web documents. Hyperlinks can be icons, colored text, or buttons. (The pointer changes to a hand.) When accessing a Web site, spelling is very important. Pay close attention to all spaces and punctuation marks in the URL.

19 Internet Service Providers
One must have a modem and an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Service providers are like tollbooths on an on- ramp for a highway. The ISP is the gateway to the Internet, not the Internet itself.

20 Online Safety Be honest Do not give out personal information
Be leery of those who want to much information Do not meet up with someone you met online

21 Think Before You Post ??? Video

22 Computer Ethics and Individual Responsibility
The problem of computer/technology crime (software piracy, unauthorized access, security, privacy, and “hacking”) has been increasing in recent years due to increased computer access. Each individual has a clear responsibility to protect the security and privacy of information on the Internet. Some software can filter out questionable sites but cannot stop all problems, as new sites are added daily.

23 Computer Ethics and Individual Responsibility
At Limestone, students face ethical decisions when using the Internet. Students not making ethical decisions when using the Internet and technology at Limestone will have privileges revoked, and other disciplinary action may be taken.

24 The Future of the Internet
It’s beyond our imagination. We’ve just begun to use the Internet in thousands of ways. Physicians are using the Internet to assist in surgery and save lives; businesses use it to provide goods and services for customers; children are learning over the Internet while grandmothers are making stock investments. It’s up to the individual to make the most of the fastest information tool ever invented.

25 Search Engines Search engines are programs that allow you to search for other Web pages by typing in key words. Popular search engines are: Yahoo, Google, Lycos, Excite, Dogpile, and Infoseek, among many others.

26 Search Engines Utilizing search engines for information on a topic is much more effective than just “surfing the net” aimlessly. No one search engine can monitor all Web pages available on a topic because the Internet changes every day. It may be necessary to use more than one.

27 Test Your Skills What small Illinois town did the Chicago Bears play in up until 1921? What was the team named? Decatur Staleys

28 Test Your Skills Where was the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln? City, State, and Date Hardin County, KY, February 12, 1809.

29 Fine Technology Office Live Workspace
New search engine with three times the number of sites as Google interactive museum; can see front pages of newspapers from 735 cities across the world Office Live Workspace Store up to 5 GB of information to access anywhere Tafiti Silverlight (“Lucid Touch” -- see-through screens allowing access from front and back)

30 – can create 3D Models of anything
-- allows you to enter text in chosen language and have it displayed in another language of your choice – can create 3D Models of anything (great for student research) -- click the More link (can find books to be read online) Google Earth

31 Gmail (email system that ICC uses) iGoogle -- Google homepage
Google Chrome 1-800-GOOG-411 phone number call and ask any question you want and they respond within 4 minutes similar to YouTube (owned by Google) with videos by educators and students, but content is filtered to be appropriate for an educational site Gmail ( system that ICC uses) iGoogle -- Google homepage Google Calendars Google Docs There are over 100 million searches on google every day.

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