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Introduction to Science 20

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1 Introduction to Science 20
What is this course about?!

2 A Little About Me Mrs. Pilipchuk BSc (Bachelor of Science) Honors
Majors: Biological sciences & Psychology (Neuroscience)/Minor: Business MSc (Masters in Science) Neuroscience BEd (Bachelor of Education) Major: Biological sciences / Minor: Physical sciences

3 A Little About Me I used to monitor clinical trials and conduct research. First year teaching at Louis St. Laurent. I am originally from Nova Scotia. I enjoy playing chess.

4 A Little About Me I am married to an elementary school teacher.
We have two year old twin boys

5 What do I need to take this class?
Prerequisite is at least 50% in Science 10. You may not enrol in Science 20 with only credit in Science 14 or Science 24.

6 Why am I taking this course?
I wanted to free up space in my timetable for other options so I chose to take this as my only science course This fit into my schedule and my friend was taking the course My mark in Science 10 was low and my teacher recommended me to take this course instead of Biology 20, Chemistry 20, or Physics 20 I am not interested in pursuing a science-related post-secondary program The post-secondary program I plan to go into accepts Science 30 and does not require Biology 30, Chemistry 30, or Physics 30

7 What can I do with this course after I finish?
Graduate - you need a 20-level science course to get my high school diploma. You may not enrol in Biology 30, Chemistry 30, or Physics 30 with Science 20, but you may take Science 30.

8 What will we Study in Science 20?
Unit A: Chemical Changes Unit C: The Changing Earth Unit B: Changes in Motion Unit D: Changes in Living Systems

9 Science 20 Unit A Chemical Changes Unit C The Changing Earth
aqueous solutions provide a convenient medium for chemical changes balanced chemical equations show the quantitative relationships among the reactants and products involved in chemical reactions oxidation and reduction reactions involve a transfer of electrons hydrocarbons are the starting substances for many organic compounds Unit C The Changing Earth forces within the earth cause continual changes in the Earth's surface paleontology, the scientific study of ancient life, uses fossils as the primary source of data the fossil record indicates that the environment and life forms on Earth have undergone a sequence of changes over more than 3.5 billion years. the geologic record indicates that the climate has changed several times over the last 2 million years Unit B Changes in Motion the motion of objects is described in terms of displacement, time, velocity and acceleration Newton's Laws of Motion relate force to the motion of objects momentum is conserved in physical interactions Unit D Changes in Living Systems energy flows through the biosphere and matter cycles through the biosphere ecosystems are defined by a range of characteristics ecosystems often change over time organisms are adapted to their environments

10 Class Website
Will post videos shown in class. Extra resources that may help you understand the concepts. Good place to check if missed a class.

11 Looking Forward to a Great Semester!

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