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Multiple Ways to Track Progress

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1 Multiple Ways to Track Progress
Welcome- introduce yourself to a partner, share your child’s school and grade, why you’re here Isabel Silva, Coordinator of Curriculum & Accountability January 14, 2016

2 What do you hope to learn today?
*How is my child being assessed in the classroom? *What do the report card grades represent? *How is this all related to the CA standards? *How can I help my child at home? Purpose of this parent engagement workshop, questions you might be thinking…

3 What is Assessment? What does assessment look like in schools today?
Assessment involves standardized exams, oral presentations, student conferences, blended learning

4 Diagnostic, Formative, Summative
Wellness Check Doctor Exam Final Autopsy Wellness Check (Diagnostic) 1. Measure current health status, 2. Review deficiencies and/or strengths, 3. Develop plan to improve health, 4. Monitor the results of actions Doctor Exam (Formative) 1. Conduct exam/observation, 2. Collect further evidence (symptoms), 3. Categorize variables into conditions, 4. Determine the medical illness, 5. Develop actions steps for treatment, 6. Follow-up on health progress Final Autopsy (Summative) 1. Conduct final exam/note observations, 2. Collect further evidence (medical records/police report), 3. Categorize the variables into levels, 4. Create timeline of events, 5. Determine cause of death

5 Assessment vs. Evaluation
Assessment involves teaching Evaluation involves learning Assessment involves teaching (increase quality), Evaluation involves learning (judge quality) 1. Measure current progress 2. Review deficiencies/strengths 3. Develop plan to increase quality 4. Monitor the results of actions 1. Conduct examination/observation 2. Collect further evidence & data 3. Categorize/align variables 4. Determine quality of work

6 Teaching vs. Learning The purpose of a task helps determine the expected outcome The purpose of our task helps us determine the difference between teaching and learning.

7 How do we monitor progress?
Directly impacts teacher instruction Teacher can provide feedback to students Assessment FOR Learning Involve students in their own learning Students reflect and work towards goals AS Learning Determine student achievement level based on learning goals and standards Provides evidence of student learning OF Learning Three principles of assessment: Assessment for Learning, Assessment as learning, Assessment of learning

8 Assessment FOR Learning
Weekly Quiz Journal Entry Observations Teacher Discussions Pre-Assessment Partner Work What does it look like in EUSD? Examples of Formative assessment

9 Assessment FOR Learning
Partner Talk: Share your thoughts with a partner Possible responses- Immediate feedback, modify instruction, re-teach skill, address learning gaps How do students benefit from this type of assessment?

10 Assessment AS Learning
Self-Assessment Self-selected Task Review Targets/Goals Student Reflection Peer Feedback Use of Resources What does it look like in EUSD? Examples of Personalized Instruction

11 Assessment AS Learning
Partner Talk: share your thoughts with a partner Possible responses- invested in learning, self-guided, see results of their efforts How do students benefit from this type of assessment?

12 Assessment OF Learning
End-of-Unit Exam Performance Task Product/Exhibit Oral Presentation District/State Test Portfolio Review What does it look like in EUSD? Examples of Summative Assessments

13 Assessment OF Learning
Partner Talk- share your thoughts with a partner Possible responses- determine level of achievement, areas to develop, areas of strength, How do students benefit from this type of assessment?

14 Tips for Parents Purpose of assessment
Understand projects and presentations Build growth mindset Test-taking strategies Meet with the teacher Reflect with your child 1. assessment’s purpose, 2. expectations of assignment, 3. foster perseverance “you just haven’t figured it out yet,” 4. calming exercises “mind breaks,” 5. conference with teacher, 6. practice reflection “why do you think you did better/worse?”

15 Comments or Questions?

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