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Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health Semester II May.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health Semester II May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health Semester II May

2 Goal: Objective: May 1 (Fri)
Definitions: Obesity – a condition in which one weighs 20 percent more than the recommended weight Journal : NONE P/R/S: Poly – (P) much or many Class work: 20 minute READ “In the News” Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 Visual Aid Due Wednesday April 29, 2015 May 1 (Fri) Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Investigate & discuss fentanyl and heroin and their dangers

3 Goal: Objective: May 4 (Mon) Definitions:
Hepatitis - Hepatitis – an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Journal : NONE P/R/S: hem (R) blood Class work: YMCA Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due May 13 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Explore self-esteem

4 Goal: Objective: May 5 (Tues) Definitions:
Sexual Abstinence - delaying or refraining from sexual intimacy. Journal : Take notes on video “Surviving High School” P/R/S: Gen (R) producing Class work: Video “Surviving High School”. Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due May 13 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

5 Goal: Objective: May 6 (Wed) Definitions:
Anabolic steroid – an artificially made, complex substance that can temporarily increase muscle size. Journal : Take notes on video “Surviving High School” P/R/S: ovi (R) eggs Class work: Video “Surviving High School”. Assign Risky Behavior Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due May 13 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

6 Goal: Objective: May 7 (Thur) Definitions:
Anorexia Nervosa - an eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat because of a fear of weight gain. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Path (R) - disease Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment. Count & turn in 1) defns. & 2) P/R/S Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due May 13 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

7 Goal: Objective: May 8 (Fri)
Definitions: Interpersonal Communication: the ability to clearly express your needs, ideas, and opinions using appropriate and effective verbal and nonverbal strategies and receive the same from others Journal: Education Graph – Interpret the graph – next slide and write one paragraph stating choices you may make based on the information in the graph P/R/S: Incise (R) – cut into Class work: Count and Turn in Journal Risky Behavior – Team Assignment. Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due May 13 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

8 May 8 (Friday) Chart Based on 1999 Census
Education Earning/Year Earning 30 years High School Dropout $23,400 $702,000 High School Graduate $30,400 $912,000 College Graduate (Bachelor’s Degree) $52,200 $1,566,000 Chart Based on 2009 Census Education Earning/Year Earning 30 years High School Dropout $20,241 $607,230 High School Graduate $30,627 $918,810 College Graduate (Bachelor’s Degree) $56,665 $1,699,900

9 Goal: Objective: May 11 (Mon) Discuss interpersonal communication
Definitions: Culture – the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (S) –osis – abnormal condition of Class work: YMCA Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due May 13 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Discuss interpersonal communication

10 Goal: Objective: May 12 (Tues) Definitions:
bulimia – an eating disorder based on a cycle of bingeing and purging food. Journal: NONE P/R/S: ligat (R) - ties Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment. Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due May 13 Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

11 Goal: Objective: May 13 (Wed) Definitions:
Endorphin – a substance that is produced inside the brain and has pleasurable effects. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Micro (P) – tiny Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Homework: Research Project – Assignment #8 – Visual Aid – due TODAY Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

12 Google Shared Documents:
May 13 (Wed) Google Shared Documents: Open your file in your Google Drive – NOT your gmail. Complete your word-type document. Begin a slide show It must be done in Google Docs. Go to Google Drive - REMEMBER TO USE THE APPs button Click on NEW Click on Google Slide Your Slide show must contain at least 6 slides Title with members’ names Picture Graph Advertisement Video Article

13 Goal: Objective: May 14 (Thur) Definitions:
Self-Concept – the current mental image you have of yourself. Journal: NONE P/R/S: -osis (s) – abnormal condition Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Finish Day – boards, cards, journals, PP, etc. Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

14 Goal: Objective: May 15 (Fri) Definitions:
(BMR) - BASAL METABOLIC RATE: energy needed to fuel the body’s ongoing processes while the body is at complete rest. . Journal: NONE P/R/S: Scop (R) – examine Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Finish Day – boards, cards, journals, PP, etc. Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

15 Goal: Objective: May 18 (Mon) Definitions:
Essential nutrient – six categories of substances from food that nourish the body; carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water Journal: NONE P/R/S: Ven (R) - vein Ventil (R) – fanning or blowing Class work: YMCA Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Students will role play the STOP method Say No Talk it out Offer an explanation Provide an alternative

16 Due/Do Now Quiz Name Date Hour Micro – definition Scop – definition
Ic – definition Microscopic – definition or meaning Due/Do Now Quiz

17 Goal: Objective: May 19 (Tues) Definitions:
Calorie – a unit of measurement for energy. 1 nutrition calorie = 1 kilocalorie Journal: NONE P/R/S: Ren (R) – kidney Rhin (R) – nose Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

18 Due/Do Now Quiz Name Date Hour intra – definition ven– definition
ous – definition intravenous – definition or meaning Due/Do Now Quiz

19 Goal: Objective: May 20 (Wed)
Definitions: Body Composition – the division of the total body weight into fat weight and muscle weight Journal: NONE P/R/S: -e (S) – presence of -on (S) – presence of -um (S) – presence of -us (S) – presence of Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Transitions for slides Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

20 Due/Do Now Quiz Name Date Hour hyper – definition therm – definition
ia – definition or meaning hyperthermia – definition or meaning Due/Do Now Quiz

21 Goal: Objective: May 21 (Thur) Definitions:
Carbohydrates – a class of nutrients containing starches, simple sugars, glycogen, and dietary fibers. Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ory (S) – pertaining to -ous (S) – pertaining to Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

22 Due/Do Now Quiz Name Date Hour tachy– definition cardi– definition
a– definition tachycardia– definition or meaning Due/Do Now Quiz

23 Goal: Objective: May 22 (Fri) Definitions:
Energy Balance Equation: eating the same number of calories that you burn each day. Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ant(S) – one which -ure (S)– one which Class work: 20 minute “READ” Class “In the News” Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

24 Goal: Objective: May 26 (Tues)
Definitions: Energy Balance Equation: eating the same number of calories that you burn each day. Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ity (S) – condition of -ar (S) – relating to -ary (S) – the nature of -ion (S) – process of -ize (S) – caused to -ode (S) shaped -oid (S) - resembling -ule (S) – tiny -y (S) - process of Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

25 Goal: Objective: May 26 (Mon)
Definitions: Energy Balance Equation: eating the same number of calories that you burn each day. Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ity (S) – condition of -ar (S) – relating to -ary (S) – the nature of -ion (S) – process of -ize (S) – caused to -ode (S) shaped -oid (S) - resembling -ule (S) – tiny -y (S) - process of Class work: Risky Behavior – Team Assignment Presentation Homework: Begin putting your Research Presentation together. Goal: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health Objective: Identify the characteristics of positive and negative relationships, and analyze their impact on personal, family, and community health.

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