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Welcome to Cherry Hill’s Back To School Night! Mrs. Poole Room 109

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Cherry Hill’s Back To School Night! Mrs. Poole Room 109"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Cherry Hill’s Back To School Night! Mrs. Poole Room 109

2 Communication Website: Send a note Call the office

3 4P Homework Website – Please check! I always post!
Planner – Plenty of time in class for students to write down assignments Mon.–Thurs. (No holidays) Keep work neat, clean, and organized Read at least 20 – 30 minutes a night Please provide your child with assistance when needed

4 Folders Yellow Folders – office notices
graded papers (sheet to be signed each Monday) Homework Folder – Leave At Home & Bring Back

5 Class Parents Mrs. Byrnes – 4th grade captain Mrs. Gioffre – contact person Mrs. Alostaz

6 Specials’ Schedule Monday Library Tuesday Art & Technology
Wednesday Spanish & Gym Thursday Music Friday Spanish & Gym  

7 Grading All tests, quizzes, and projects will be sent home with a number percentage (100%, 95%, etc.) Report card grades are based on averages from homework, quizzes, test grades, class participation and effort. Students are also assessed through one-on-one conferences, group work/projects, class discussions, observation, and completion of class projects. Therefore, grades are not based on an average alone! 

8 Additional Notes Don’t Forget!
Birthdays: Celebrations in grades K-3 only Poor student behavior: Breaking classroom rules, not acting 4th grade appropriate, not being safe, being disrespectful to classmates or teacher and/or frequent missed homework may result in the following: Explanation note home from the student Loss of special privileges at school No recess Parent conference Don’t Forget! Conference sign-ups Visit specials’ classrooms Check online notices – going green Picture Day – 10/2/13

9 Writer’s Workshop Writing is taught as process: Generating notebook entries, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Students will be given the opportunity to peer revise/edit, as well as conference with me about their writing. Through Writers’ Workshop I will be conducting mini lessons on individual skills one at a time. You may see errors in your child’s writing and that is to be expected with our workshop format! Some lessons I will focus on during writing time include: grammar rules, paragraph structure, dialogue, leads, voice, endings, word choice, sentence structure, and character development.

10 Science Discovery Lab and/or lesson with Mr. Corcoran will be taught every other week. The topics will be supported with lessons in class. Topics discussed in Science are challenging...Students will be taking notes and conducting many labs in school, and reading independently at home. There will be quizzes or tests at the end of each topic to assess your child's understanding of the material. Topics to be covered Water cycle/weather Energy Forces of Motion Human Body

11 Social Studies Students will be taking notes and doing research.
There will be quizzes and/or projects at the end of each topic to assess your child's understanding of the material. Topics to be covered Map Skills Native Americans Explorers New Jersey Current Events

12 Everyday Math At beginning of each unit, look for the Family Letter with answers and helpful strategies (Found in Study Links Workbook) Spiral approach Students are engaged with games and activities Uses real-life applications Work with hands-on problems and materials to construct learning Learning multiplication/division facts is stressed: Quizzes throughout the year to reinforce basic facts.

13 Mondo Reading Program Sequentially Leveled Texts – Mondo’s library provide fiction and nonfiction books for sequenced and targeted instruction at each student’s precise instructional reading level. The libraries include a range of text types, such as fantasy, historical fiction, folktales, procedural, persuasive, explanations, as well as science and social studies themes and more. Shared Reading and Read Aloud - Mondo’s “shared reading” provides a range of materials for modeling, explicit teaching, and teacher-supported practice of critical early literacy skills, comprehension strategies, vocabulary and fluency. Mondo “read aloud” provides a collection of 20 short (3 page) high- interest stories and articles supported by a one-session focused lesson plan. The selections represent a cross-section of genres and text types.

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