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Presentation on theme: "Religion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion

2 Who is in Control Wealthy families controlled the Catholic Church
Used the church to advance their families power and influence

3 The Inquisition

4 The Inquisition A court for the detection of heretics
Used torture to identify Jewish and Muslims who pretended to convert to Christianity for purposes of political or social advantage and secretly practiced their former religion.

5 Power Corrupts Church officials living a life of luxury by taxing the poor Sold church jobs to the highest bidder High church officials involved themselves with politics Allow people to buy their way into heaven by giving large amounts of money or power to the church

6 The Reformers People who wanted to fix the corruption within the church Most who criticized the church were labeled as heretics who were excommunicated, arrested, and tortured

7 The Reformation Oct 31st 1517 Martin Luther wrote a list of grievances against the church and nailed them a church door in Germany attacked the corruption in the Catholic Church This list was copied and handed out in various languages to help spread his ideas - Printing press!!!!!

8 New Ideas for a New Age The Bible was translated from Latin to various European languages This helped people read for themselves and make their own conclusions about the church and laws

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