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World History Eras 1-3 Review

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Presentation on theme: "World History Eras 1-3 Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Eras 1-3 Review
Mrs. Abbott

2 Agriculture first appeared in the middle east around 8000 BC

3 The 5 Features of a Civilization
Advanced Cities Complex Institutions Technology Specialized Workers Record Keeping

4 Pyramids The Pyramids can be seen from great distances, and are a reminder of the glory of the people who created them.

5 Written Language Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important in the development of a written language.

6 Was used to encourage and discourage plant growth.
Slash and Burn Was used to encourage and discourage plant growth.

7 Problems in Agricultural Societies
Food Shortages Disease Social Conflict

8 Farming and Permanent Settlements
At the end of the stone age, people went from being hunter gatherers to living in permanent settlements and farming.

9 Polytheistic Religion

10 Jesus of Nazareth Christianity began in the Jewish religion by the followers of Jesus of Nazareth.

11 Muhammad Islam, whose followers are known as Muslims, began in Arabia in the seventh century and is based upon the teachings of Muhammad.

12 Hindu and Buddhists Both believe in Karma…that events are not random, but happen because of someone’s actions.

13 Judaism

14 China The cradle of agriculture in China was on the Yellow river.

15 River Valley Civilizations

16 Mesopotamia Mesopotamia was conquered again and again because
it had no natural barriers.

17 Agricultural Revolution
Domestication of Animals and Plants led to the agricultural revolution.

18 5 Pillars of Islam Faith Fasting Alms Pilgrimage Pray 5 Times a Day

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