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Verbal – a verb form which functions as a…

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1 Verbal – a verb form which functions as a…
Gerunds Verbal – a verb form which functions as a…

2 What is a gerund? A verb form that acts as a noun.
Verb always ends in –ing. Functions as a subject, object of a preposition, direct object, or subject complement.

3 Functions of Gerunds Subject of a sentence
Running has been my passion Watching television does not burn many calories. Direct Object of the sentence – follows an action verb (receives the action of the verb) John hates waking up early on Saturday. I enjoy cooking with my mom. Subject compliment – gives additional information about a noun (follows a state-of-being verb) Paul’s favorite hobby is playing the piano. Emily’s hobby is gardening.

4 Functions of Gerunds Cont’d
Object of a preposition I’m interested in improving myself. Leslie got into trouble for talking to Sarah. Object compliment Richard saw Kyle riding his bike.

5 Examples of Gerund Phrases
A phrase is a group of words that work together and have only a subject (noun). It often includes a preposition. Running for president is a serious ambition. Eating small meals throughout the day can help you avoid hunger pains. I like fishing with lures. Dogs enjoy barking at strangers.

6 Practice – Identify the gerund and its function.
She is good at dancing. Traveling allows you to see new places. They do not appreciate singing. James gives learning his full attention. The police arrested him for speeding. His best event is swimming the backstroke. Hiking is my favorite activity.

7 Which of the following sentences contains a gerund?
Editing papers was Evan’s favorite part of the writing process. After deciding what to write about, Evan went to the library. Evan needs an interesting topic for his next written report. Evan will be typing his English paper throughout the evening.

8 Additional Resources Grammar Bytes: The Gerund
Grammar Bytes: The Gerund Phrase Grammar –

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