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Goal 3 part 1 Manifest Destiny.

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1 Goal 3 part 1 Manifest Destiny

2 Northern Society Rich, middle class, and poor
Very distinct class differences

3 Factories Working conditions were terrible and unsafe Pay was very low
Child labor was common Most lived in extreme poverty Early labor unions were unsuccessful 25% of workers were women

4 Immigration 1820-1860- five million came to America
90% settled in industrial cities

5 Immigration Con’t Largest group- Irish
Came to escape poverty, hunger, and mistreatment by British Took dangerous and low-paying jobs Lived in horrible conditions Faced heavy discrimination

6 Immigration Con’t Second largest group- Germans
Came for political, religious, and economic reasons Most were Protestant Had better job skills Lived in close-knit neighborhoods

7 Nativism An intense dislike of foreigners Founded secret organizations
Wanted to limit political power of immigrants Saw them as threats to better paying jobs Formed clubs, published newspapers, and formed political parties Know-Nothings (American Party) Formed to oppose immigration

8 Southern Society Few cities or large towns
Cotton was major crop (King Cotton) Sold overseas and to New England textile mills Very few immigrants Very few internal improvements Almost no public schools 1 in 4 owned slaves 20% over 20 1% owned over 100

9 Southern Society Con’t
Richest Lived on plantations Actually had little cash Worked harder than depicted Planters More modest Small homes Comfortable but not luxurious

10 Southern Society Con’t
Small Farmers 2 room log cabins Few or no slaves Worked very hard and were poor Poor whites Hunted, fished, raised pigs to survive Very poor One social step above slaves

11 African Americans Most were slaves
75% worked on farms from sunup to sundown Supervised by overseers or slave drivers Were very valuable property Received adequate food, clothing, and shelter Lived in slave quarters Often small and cramped Usually got two outfits and one pair of shoes a year

12 African Americans Con’t
Slave codes were used to control slaves Worst treatment was splitting up of families Lived on diet of cornmeal, saltpork, greens, wild animals

13 Slave Resistance Harriet Tubman Slave rebellions
Underground railroad Slave rebellions Small & usually very unsuccessful Nat Turner Work slow down Destruction of tools Playing dumb

14 Slave Culture Valued family Life centered around the slave quarters
Religion was combination of Christian and African God’s chosen people Spirituals Used folktales to pass on history and culture



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