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OSCE 13 What degree burns would you classify this injury? (2)

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Presentation on theme: "OSCE 13 What degree burns would you classify this injury? (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 OSCE 13 What degree burns would you classify this injury? (2) Why do you think a linear incision was made? (1) What would otherwise happen if such a incision was not made? (2) As watter graad brandbesering sal u hierdie klassifiseer? (2) Waarom dink u is daar ‘n liniêre insnyding gemaak? (1) Wat kon gebeur het indien die insnyding nie gedoen was nie? (2)

2 What is the most likely diagnosis? (2)
OSCE 1 What is the most likely diagnosis? (2) Name three important aspects in the treatment. (3) Wat is die mees waarskynlike diagnose? (2) Noem drie belangrike aspekte in die behandeling. (3) Diabetic foot ulcer Meticulous wound care, keep moist, debridement of dead tissue, proper shoes

3 What radiological examination was done here ?(1)
OSCE 2 This patient suffered a gunshot wound of his abdomen.Microscopic hematuria was seen on urine dipstix.CT scan of the kidneys was normal What radiological examination was done here ?(1) What is the diagnosis ?(1) What are the different options of treatment for this urological injury?(3) Pasient opgeneem met skietwond buik. Mikroskopiese hematurie op doopstokkie waargeneem. RT skandering toon normale niere Wat is die radiologiese ondersoek wat hier getoon word?(1) Wat is die diagnose ?(1) Wat is die verskillende opsies van behandeling van die urologiese besering ? (3) 1. IVP 2.Ureteric rupture/trauma 3. Ureterouretostomy over a JJ stent, psoas hitch, direct end to end re-anastomosis

4 Identify the gross injury? (1)
OSCE 3 An operative field of chest trauma victim is depicted: Identify the gross injury? (1) What could be the possible mechamish of injury? (2) What signs would you expect? (2) Die operasie veld van ‘n torakstrauma slagoffer word gewys. Identifiseer die ooglopende besering. (1) Wat kon die meganisme van besering gewees het? (2) Watter tekens sou u verwag het? (2) Lung rupture 2. Blunt Rib … 3. Hemoptyis, respiratory distress

5 This patient was involved in a shark attack: Classify the wounds? (1)
OSCE 4 This patient was involved in a shark attack: Classify the wounds? (1) How should these be managed. (2) What specific complication could arise in this setting? (1) How would you prevent such complication? (1) Die pasient was deur ‘n haai aangeval. Klassifiseer die wonde. (1) Hoe behoort dit gehanteer te word? (2) Watter spesifieke komplikasies kan voorkom word in die omstandighede? (1) Hoe sou u die komplikasies verhoed? (1) Laceration, apply p, fluid Pneumothorax icd

6 OSCE 6 1. What is the injury?.(1)
2. Describe briefly the treatment.(2) What are the main complications?(2) Noem die besering. (1) Beskryf kortliks die behandeling. (2) Wat is die hoof komplikasies? (2) Dog bite injury Debride and prophylaxis, including tetanus? Late suturing Infection, septicaemia

7 OSCE 8 Patient presents with a deep
diagonal laceration of the left face During suturing what important structures have to be considered (3) what facial bone fractures could be expected (2) ‘n Pasiënt presenteer met ‘n diep diagonale laserasie in die gesig Gedurende hegting watter belangrike strukture moet oorweeg word (3) Watter benige gesigs-frakture kan verwag word (2) Parotid gland, facial nerve, parotid duct zygomatic bone, mandibular fractures

8 OSCE 9 Patient presents after MVA with a left depressed zygoma.
describe possible related clinical signs and symptoms (4) what type of radiographs was used in the diagnosis for this type of injury (1) Pasiënt presenteer met ‘n linker afgeplatte sigoom na MVO beskryf moontlike geassossieerde kliniese tekens en simptome (4) watter tipe radiografiese opname is geneem in die diagnose van die fraktuur (1) enophthalmos, diplopia, limitation of upward gaze, maxillary hypoaesthesia Xray waters view

9 OSCE 10 Describe the wound accurately (2) What is the reason for this specific appearance ? (2) What will you specifically search for in this wound? (1) Beskryf die wond akkuraat. (2) Waarom het die wond hierdie spesifieke voorkoms? (2) Waarvoor moet spesifiek gesoek word in die wond? (2)

10 OSCE 11 This child has multiple lesions in different phases of healing. What is the most likely diagnosis? (1) What is the treatment of choice? (1) What are the 3 choice/priority examinations? (3) Kind met veelvuldige letsels in verskillende fases van genesing Wat is die mees waarskynlike diagnose? (1) Wat is die behandeling van keuse? (1) Wat is die 3 ondersoeke van keuse? (3) Child abuse removal from parents and foster care protection/wellfare society full physical exam, genital examination, anus, radiographic study

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