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Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 That’s soon!
Agenda Materials for the test An overall view of the test
The writing prompts The reading selections You need some essential tools on the test day – please write them down as you hear about them. Then I’m going to tell you about some tricks which students have found helped them to be successful on the test.
Before the Test… 1. Tonight– go to bed early. 2. Resist the temptation to be on your phone or devices until late. Your brain cannot process information if you are tired on the test day Set your alarm to wake up in good time and have a healthy breakfast. This will work wonders for your level of concentration and alertness. Cereal pops up – on the day of the test March 30, have a breakfast – resist the temptation to skip it – your brain cannot function if its attention is on a hungry stomach The clock pops up – be sure to leave the house early enough on the test morning March 30th – if you rely on a ride – get the driver up in time – don’t arrive at school frazzled – then your brain has to take time and energy to calm you down.
Materials for the Test Black or blue pens Pencils multiple colours
highlighters multiple colours Bring extra pens – ink runs out; DO NOT USE pink, lilac, green – it’s difficult to read, in fact it might be impossible to read…. USE ONLY BLACK OR BLUE ink pens Bring a few sharpened pencils – sharpen them the day before – have a few in case the lead breaks – the next slide will show you how the pencil will be used on a scantron sheet Bring highlighters – they help you with your tasks – I’ll explain how
Personal Electronic Devices are NOT permitted
Weather and Attendance
in case of inclement weather: in the very unlikely event that there is a snow advisory that day, confirm on DPCDSB website IF busses are cancelled or school is closed. Otherwise, the OSSLT will run as planned.
So, where do I go? Test Locations
Grade 10 Rooms will be posted in the Matrix in the morning on Wednesday March 27th Grade 10 ARD Check the list posted in room 213 for on Tues. March 26th. If you indicated that you want to write with Resource, you will be in either room 222 or 223. Grade 10 ELL Check the list posted in room 213 for on Tues. March 26th. If you indicated that you want to write with Resource, you will be in either room 222 or 223. Discuss how the gym and classrooms will be set-up with labels, signage, alpha order, teachers will give further instructions.
THE TEST: So, what does it look like?
4 Booklets – Session 1 & 2 2 Question Booklets 2 Answer Booklets 75 minutes for each question booklet one break (and snack!) one student questionnaire HOLD UP EACH OF THE TWO SAMPLE BOOKLETS (session one and session two) – HOLD UP THE STUDENT ANSWER SHEET SO THEY CAN SEE WHAT IT’S GOING TO LOOK LIKE. At the end of the test you’ll have a Questionnaire to fill in answers about yourself – this goes on the scantron sheet too – do not be worried about any of the answers you give in this section – let the government know about our students – who like many teachers on the staff, were not born in Canada, or did not grow up with English as the first language at home – fill in the matching bubble. The government uses your questionnaire answers to make deductions about this test and to guide educational planning. By June you will receive notice of your result at your school. Since 2006, you now get ONE mark for the test.
FORMAT AND LAYOUT -reiterate BOTH booklets must be fully completed – leave NOTHING blank as students are NOT penalized for guessing. Review the time breakdown of the day: 75 minutes for Booklet One, 15 minute break, 75 minutes for booklet Two, 10 minutes for the Questionnaire –more about this soon
What about TIME on the test day?
75 minutes is the length of a class period, just like you would normally use for a unit test in class. When students were interviewed about what they did differently when they rewrote the test – they all said it was because they knew how to budget their time the second time round – page through your booklet – look at how many tasks in total you have – decide how to divide the time – perhaps 12 mins per task if you have six – begin with the LONG writing task first, perhaps this will need a bit more time (see what your teacher suggests) – there is ONE per booklet – I’ll tell you more about these in a minute. Pace yourself … 75 minutes per booklet…but you can write up to 150 minutes for each booklet, if you need it!
BREAKS 15 minute break between Booklet 1 & 2
Additional time Students may be relocated to another classroom to complete Booklet & 2, if you need extra time.
TYPES OF TASKS Reading Writing News Report Series of Paragraphs
Two Short Writing Tasks Eight M/C Reading Informational Graphical 20+ M/C 4 Open Responses WRITING TASKS: News Report – one page, Series of Paragraphs – two pages, Short Writing Tasks – six lines each, 8 Multiple Choice Writing Questions: Conventions, Sentence & Paragraph Structure, Organization of ideas READING TASKS: Informational (Paragraph, News Report), Narrative (Dialogue, Real-Life Narrative), Graphical Text such as a map or schedule, 20+ multiple-choice reading questions, 4+ open-response reading questions (6 lines each) . Explain with text support, Explain with text support and student ideas, Summarize.
Steps for Writing a News Report
Hundreds of Teens in Demonstration Paragraph 1: What happened, when, where, who was involved? Paragraph 2: Why did it happen? How did it happen? What was done about it? Paragraph 3- 4: Interviews with bystanders. What do they think about it? Officials reactions? Writing a News Report Look at the headline. Look at the picture. To view all parts of the picture, it can be helpful to divide it into quadrants. Address all of these headings: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? To answer when, begin with the word: Yesterday, (This should begin your very first sentence!) Make up a first and last name for each person in the photograph and for each person you mention in the news report. Give a name to the location in the photograph (make sure you can spell it). Make up the facts and information to use in your report – include only facts, not your opinion. Do not use the word “I” unless it is in a quote from a witness or person involved in the story. Make up quotes from witnesses or people involved in the story. Remember that this is not a tv or radio news cast. It is for a newspaper. Write short paragraphs - the first paragraph is usually one or two sentences long. Dos: Examine the title carefully and connect the subject of your report to the picture and title. Make sure that all the “W” questions are answered within the report—“Who?” “What?” “Where?” “When?” and “Why?” You can also answer “How?” if you desire. Write “yesterday” for the answer to the “when” question. Write in third person only—“Anderson,” “He,” “She,” “They,” etc. After giving the complete name once, refer to people in your news report by their last name. “Put quotation marks around words that someone in your news report says.” News reports are supposed to be serious, so use a serious tone of voice in your writing. Don’ts: Do NOT pretend you are a TV or radio reporter. This is a written news story. Do NOT ignore the title OR the picture. Your news report must be ABOUT them. Do NOT use a point form list to answer the “Who?” “What?” “Where?” “When?” and “Why?” questions. Provide answers within the news report. Do NOT write an advertisement. Write a serious story about something that happened, based on the title and picture. Do NOT write long paragraphs. Write short paragraphs and INDENT each new paragraph. Paragraph 5: Concluding statements. Wrap it up! Where can more information be found?
WRITING A Series of Paragraphs
Make sure you write at least 3-5 distinct, indented paragraphs TASK: Write a minimum of 3 – 5 paragraphs expressing an opinion on the topic below. Develop your main idea with supporting details (proof, facts, and examples) Purpose and audience: An adult who is interested in your opinion While what YOU believe is important, realize that you must SUPPORT why. Use reasonable sounding facts, statistics and real experiences from your life Read the instructions – focus on the CALL OUTS So, no slang, swearing, online short forms (LOL)
Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion Organizer
Read the Task Prompt carefully: DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE? Introduction--- clearly states your opinion (yes/agree or no/disagree). Example: “I believe that _________ because REASON 1, REASON 2, and REASON 3. Paragraph 1 - explain REASON 1 with supporting details Paragraph 2 - explain REASON 2 with supporting details Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion Read the statement in the Task box Do you Agree or Disagree? Re-write the “should” statement as a topic sentence where you clearly state your opinion. You may begin I believe… (First person is allowed) Provide 3 reasons to support your opinion. For each reason provide details and examples Dos: Write more than one page. Use the space provided in the test booklet to judge how much you should write. Write at least three paragraphs (introduction, development and conclusion). Writing five paragraphs is better. Show paragraph division by indentation only. Clearly state your opinion in your introductory paragraph and be definite about it. Support your opinion with good examples/details and explanation. Don’ts: Do NOT write less than one page. Do NOT write less than three paragraphs. Do NOT write a story. You must express your opinion on the topic assigned and you must defend it. Basically, you’re writing an essay. Do NOT copy the title and use it as your first paragraph. Such a paragraph would not have adequately developed ideas. Do NOT “sit on the fence” with your opinion. State a definite opinion and defend it. Do NOT use slang or Internet and Text Messaging short forms in your writing. The language must be formal and standard. Paragraph 3 - explain REASON 3 with supporting details Conclusion-- restate your opinion from the introduction (yes/agree or no/disagree). Example: “Because of REASON 1, REASON 2, and REASON 3. I believe that _________
Sample Topic: Should every teen have a cell phone?
Length: The lined space (2 pgs) indicates the length of your written answer. Rough Notes Use the space below for rough notes. Nothing you write in this space will be scored talk about teaching highlighting; talk about time limitations – of the 75 minutes you have for this Booklet, plan to spend about minutes on this task. If you feel yourself freezing with fear or drawing a blank on what to write about – a simple action to take that’ll work with any subject is BRAINSTORMING. Once you jot down a few ideas in your rough notes section, pick the side that gives you at least three things to discuss and write them out. Keep your pen moving. Even though your brainstorming is not “marked” by EQAO it is VITAL you take the time to use this space to generate ideas and organize your thinking
Some examples of SHORT writing task questions…
Short Writing Tasks on the OSSLT Some examples of SHORT writing task questions… Name a person you admire and explain why. What was your favourite game as a child? Explain why you liked it. What is your favourite time of the year? Explain why. Dos: Read and re-read the question carefully. Think of connections between the topic and your own knowledge or personal experiences. Answer the question using specific details, examples and relevant information. Answer in complete sentences, with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Keep your answer within the six lines provided. Re-read your response. Make sure it answers the question and make any necessary corrections. Don’ts: Do NOT just skim over the question. Read it carefully, word for word, so that you know what you are being asked to do. Do NOT write off-topic. If a question asks you to explain why something is “good,” then you must do so. You must NOT say “It is not good,” since that would be off-topic. Do NOT write more than the six lines provided.
Strategies for the short writing tasks:
Think of links between the topic and your knowledge and personal experience. Read and reread the questions carefully. Answer the question using specific details and relevant information. Answer in full and correctly written sentences, keeping your answer within the six lines provided. This comes right off the eqao website – address each one and explain what it means for the test-taker. Read and reread the questions carefully. Think of links between the topic and your knowledge and personal experience. Answer the question using specific details and relevant information. Answer in full and correctly written sentences, keeping your answer within the six lines provided. Reread your response and correct any errors you notice. Reread your response and correct any errors you notice.
Strategies for reading tasks
Identify the type of Text Scan the passage and look for clues to identify the TYPE of reading material Facts, explanations, reports, articles is informational Names, places, quotation marks, description, story elements is narrative Non-text features like charts, maps, symbols, and photos is graphical Dos: Read the questions BEFORE you read the selection. This will help focus your attention on information you need to remember. Skim the selection and then read it closely. Underline or highlight important information. Try to “see” what you are reading. Imagine the “movie” of the selection in your mind. Try to connect what you’re reading with experiences you have had. If you don’t understand a word, look for a root word you know. If you still don’t understand it, read to the end of the sentence and try to figure out the meaning of it within the entire sentence. Do the same with the sentences before and after it..
READ the QUESTIONS first to give purpose to your reading
Read and reread the questions you will have to answer. Highlight key words in the question When you skim over the reading passage, start highlighting and/or numbering the information in the text READ the passage more carefully to find details for your answers
Look for Dominant words in the open response tasks:
Explain with SUPPORT from the TEXT with SUPPORT from the TEXT and your OWN ideas These are the two writing processes you’ll need to do the MOST in the six-line answers: EXPLAIN and SUMMARIZE -read through each sub point carefully
Answering Questions that Begin with “Explain”
These are usually an Indirect or Making Connections questions where you have to think about the answer. You have six lines of writing for these responses. Your answer is assessed using an Open Response rubric. Have you given: Accurate (information from the article) Specific details (examples) Relevant ideas (on topic) Do Canadians benefit from becoming honorary citizens? Explain your answer using information in the selection and your own reasoning. Canadians benefit from people becoming honorary citizens. Turn the question into a statement: Agree or disagree with the question: Yes or No? This becomes your topic sentence OR Canadians do not benefit from people becoming honorary citizens.
Multiple Choice Questions
GOOD Which of the following are strategies? Read and re-read the question carefully. Read the four possible answers and rule out any that are obviously incorrect. Re-read the part of the selection upon which the question is based. Try to find the answer or a clue to the answer in the selection. Answer EVERY question. Take an educated best guess if you must, but answer the question. Don’ts: Do NOT leave a question unanswered. A good guess will often be correct. F. All of the above
REVIEW OF TASKS Reading Writing News Report Series of Paragraphs
Two Short Writing Tasks Eight M/C Reading Informational Graphical 20+ M/C 4 Open Responses WRITING TASKS: News Report – one page, Series of Paragraphs – two pages, Short Writing Tasks – six lines each, 8 Multiple Choice Writing Questions: Conventions, Sentence & Paragraph Structure, Organization of ideas READING TASKS: Informational (Paragraph, News Report), Narrative (Dialogue, Real-Life Narrative), Graphical Text such as a map or schedule, 20+ multiple-choice reading questions, 4+ open-response reading questions (6 lines each) Explain with text support, Explain with text support and student ideas, Summarize,
Finally… Thanks for listening RFH!
Review the practice tasks you have completed Review what your teachers have done with you Visit EQAO website Relax – and do well on test day! God bless Ask if there are any questions – Ensure you have the EQAO website information sheets you should have downloaded earlier with you to consult ( Planning and Preparation Guide….Be Informed. Be prepared… Teacher Bulletin…)
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