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Numbers, Biomass, & Productivity

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1 Numbers, Biomass, & Productivity
Pyramids Numbers, Biomass, & Productivity

2 Pyramid of Numbers The information collected for each trophic level is the total number of organisms in the area. Problem is each organism is counted equally. 1000 kg tree = 1 gram grass plant Units = organisms

3 Pyramid of Biomass Takes the weight or mass of all organisms in the area Can have the same problem as pyramid of numbers Both are a measure in one instant of time Unit = grams

4 Pyramid of Productivity
Designed to eliminate the inverted pyramid It measures energy per area per time. Unit = joules

5 Pass it on Trophic Levels and Biomagnification

6 Trophic Levels 10% of the matter consumed by an organism is passed on in the form of body weight 90% is lost as heat energy used to support body function

7 The same ratio occurs in toxin found in food sources
Predators consume non-biodegradable toxins with their prey incorporating it into their own body.

8 But… Since the body does not know how to recognize the toxin, the amount of toxin in the body is magnified by 10%. This is biomagnification Example Producer (0.01%) Primary Consumer (0.1%) Secondary Consumer (1%) Tertiary Consumer (10%)

9 Biome Characterization and Distribution
A large area of land or a group of ecosystems that have similar climatic conditions Considering temperature - Classified by latitude or distance form the equator Considering moisture – classified by distance from the ocean Can be modified by abiotic factors

10 Wind patterns If wind pattern in on-land, the shore climate id very wet

11 Ocean Currents Warm and cold currents can affect coastal temperature
Ex – Europe under influence of a warm current

12 Mountain Ranges Can increase the amount of precipitation on the windward side and decrease it on the lee-ward side


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