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Wednesday March 4, 2015 Mr. Goblirsch – American Government

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1 Wednesday March 4, 2015 Mr. Goblirsch – American Government
OBJECTIVE – Students Will Be Able To – SWBAT: - Identify key information relating to the President/Executive Branch. AGENDA: 3rd & 4th ONLY WARM-UP: Interpretation Vocab & Journal ASSESSMENT: President & Executive Branch Quiz CONGRESSIONAL VOTE: Restroom Proposal CHART: Powers of Congress – Article I Section 8 *****Presidential Speeches to be Delivered on FRIDAY***** Interpretation Vocab & Journal WARM-UP: (Follow the directions below) ***5 minutes*** Write a paragraph journal entry relating to the topic below. Use the textbook glossary to define strict constructionist Use the textbook glossary to define liberal constructionist JOURNAL: “Students must be in class when the bell rings” How do you interpret this rule? Is your interpretation a strict or liberal constructionist viewpoint?

2 Wednesday March 4, 2015 Mr. Goblirsch – American Government
OBJECTIVE – Students Will Be Able To – SWBAT: - Identify key information relating to the President/Executive Branch. AGENDA: 5th & 6th ONLY WARM-UP: Interpretation Vocab & Journal ASSESSMENT: President & Executive Branch Quiz CONGRESSIONAL VOTE: Restroom Proposal CHART: Powers of Congress – Article I Section 8 *****Presidential Speeches to be Delivered on MONDAY***** Interpretation Vocab & Journal WARM-UP: (Follow the directions below) ***5 minutes*** Write a paragraph journal entry relating to the topic below. Use the textbook glossary to define strict constructionist Use the textbook glossary to define liberal constructionist JOURNAL: “Students must be in class when the bell rings” How do you interpret this rule? Is your interpretation a strict or liberal constructionist viewpoint?

3 CONGRESSIONAL VOTE: New Restroom Program
PROPOSED BILL: Currently, the restroom cost is $10 per use. Many people find it difficult to pay for this and instead hold it which is bad for your body. - Written by Period 4 Representative Moreno & Senator Zavala PROPOSAL: - Amended by Goblirsch This proposal is to provide each member 2 free restroom passes per week as monitored by the section leader (Section Leaders need to make sure they are doing ALL of their responsibilities). After the 2 free passes are used, the restroom price will increase to $15. However, if the 2 passes per week are not used, they will turn into a $10 (taxable) bonus each week. A “Yes” vote will implement the New Restroom Program A “No” vote will keep everything they way it currently is

4 Powers of Congress War Powers: Economic Powers: Other:
DIRECTIONS: Read Article I Section 8 – The Enumerated Powers of Congress. (P. 763) List each power under the category that you feel it fits best under. War Powers: Economic Powers: Other: Impeachment Process: See (1) Art I Sec 2 Clause 5 & (2) Art I Sec 3 Clause 6

5 Powers of Congress War Powers: Economic Powers: Other: Impeachment:
To declare War To raise and fund an army To raise a navy Establish military law/code To call the militia To control militia/national guard Anything else “Necessary and Proper” Economic Powers: To make and collect taxes To borrow money Interstate & foreign commerce Bankruptcy laws To Coin money Punish counterfeiters Punish piracy Other: Naturalization Post office and Post Roads Patents and Copyrights Establish federal court system Create and run capital city Impeachment: House can bring impeachment charges Senate conducts impeachment trial and convicts with a 2/3 vote

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