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Chapter 15 Section 5 Effects of the War.

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1 Chapter 15 Section 5 Effects of the War

2 Section Focus What were the major immediate and long term effects of World War II?

3 Allies sets Post War Goals
Unlike WWI, Germany and Japan fight until bitter end Cities and infrastructure completely destroyed Rotterdam Leipzeig

4 Yalta, FDR , and Stalin While war is winding down FDR, Stalin, Churchill meet (Feb. 1945) Yalta = city on black sea Agree on free election for Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania Stalin will later block elections Stalin has leverage at Yalta meeting Occupies most of Eastern euro USA needs help to defeat Japan Stalin only makes vague promises

5 Potsdam, Truman, and Stalin
July 1945 Leaders meet in Berlin suburb of Potsdam FDR dies (Truman) Churchill loses election (Clement Atlee) Major Decisions Potsdam Divide Germany into 4 zones Elections for Poland Soviets have right to war damages from Germany Stalin promise to enter war vs Japan

6 New World Takes Shape Borders change Japan
Eastern Euro goes communists Germany becomes 2 countries Japan New constitution Not allowed military Lays groundwork for economic recovery Imperialism goes into decline


8 Balance of power Shifts
Power Vacuum USA and USSR (US is strongest) Superpowers US advantages No war damage Most all Euro countries heavily damaged Economy booming thanks to war production Atomic bomb

9 United Nations Formed Hoped organization would succeed where League of nation failed Organized to help Great powers Not absolute equality Located in New York City Moves world away form colonialism Creates Israel Aid to world (food etc.)

10 Nazi’s on Trial War Criminals on trial on in Nuremberg, Germany
Trial shed light on evil Nazi’s Blame evils on Hitler Hanged or life in prison


12 New American identity Americans = opposite of Nazi
Democratic, tolerant, and peaceful Few Americans want return to isolationism Economic and political health of USA tied to world Civil rights Renews vigor in fight for civil rights Great Depression Ends

13 What were the major immediate and long term effects of World War II?
The United States became a prosperous world power. Americans viewed the world in global terms and stopped favoring isolationism

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