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Cold War Lecture 1.

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1 Cold War Lecture 1

2 Russia reneged Post WWII Peace US, Britain, Russia
Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference US, Britain, Russia FDR, Churchill, Stalin Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, would have free elections Russia reneged Truman, Stalin, Atlee Divided Germany into 4 sections of occupations Soviets claim reparations from their section


4 Post WWII Peace Super Powers
UN 1945 – General Assembly, Security Council [US, Britain, France, China, Russia] Created Jewish state of Israel Universal Doctrine of Human Rights Geneva Convention:


6 Soviet goals vs. American goals
Keep Germany weak and divided Eastern Europe under Soviet control Spread Communism World Domination Germany stronger and united Eastern Europe – Independent Nations Stop spread of Communism Support free peoples resisting subjugation Containment

7 US Cold War Policies Support free peoples resisting subjugation
Truman Doctrine 1947 Marshall Plan 1948 Support free peoples resisting subjugation $13 billion in aid to European countries

8 Berlin Airlift Lasted about a year.

9 Satellite States Countries/States controlled by the Soviets Poland
Czech Republic Hungary Romania Bulgaria


11 Iron Curtain 1946 Containment 1947 Winston Churchill
Eastern Europe Under Soviet control Crushing political and religious dissent. Containment 1947 US Foreign Policy Goal: to keep communism contained (limited) to its existing borders. Full Commitment of the American economic, military, and political power.

12 The Cold War 46 year struggle Rivalry between 2 superpowers
Never a “Hot” conflict

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