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The second week of As we count down to Christmas we celebrate the coming of Christ through advent. In the second week we celebrate celebrate faith. On.

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Presentation on theme: "The second week of As we count down to Christmas we celebrate the coming of Christ through advent. In the second week we celebrate celebrate faith. On."— Presentation transcript:

1 The second week of As we count down to Christmas we celebrate the coming of Christ through advent. In the second week we celebrate celebrate faith. On Friday’s we come together as a school community to stand united in our faith. A faith in each other and a faith in God. But Friday’s are not the only day we exorcise our faith our Saint Mary’s. In fact, we can see hope, faith, peace, and joy at work in St. Mary’s year round. The Drama team came together to complete a mannequin challenge to showcase these themes within the school. Please watch the video to see their interpretation of the advent themes at work in our school.

2 Insert Video here At St. Mary’s we express hope as we cheer on our teams, knowing that they will proudly represent our school within the community. We express our faith as we come together in the chapel, and as we share in prayer each day. We share peace as we read in the library, to gain new knowledge and share it with our peers. And we share joy as we wave to friends on our way home from school, proud of our work that day. May we continue to express the joy of our faith in the school and the community.

3 Matthew 11:28

4 Prayer of the Faithful. Let us present our prayers to God the Father
as we prepare to meet Jesus. Let us pray for peace in the world. That all Christians and people of good will might become peace-makers in their actions and words, so that every one living where there is war and fighting will know the peace of Christ’s coming. We pray to the Lord... LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER Let us pray for the Church. That in this time of waiting, all Christians will grow in faith, love and unity. We pray to the Lord… Let us pray for our school community. May our Lord Jesus bring us His peace, and continue to strengthen our faith in this Advent season. We pray to the Lord...

5 Let us pray for families in grief
Let us pray for families in grief. May those that have passed rejoice in your kingdom, as you help us to understand that you will one day unite us again. We pray to the Lord… LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER Let us pray for our teachers. May the newborn Jesus strengthen them with wisdom to guide us in using our gifts and talents to serve Christ in one another. We pray to the Lord... Let us pray for all of our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends and relatives. May the coming of Jesus bring them peace, good health and safety always. We pray to the Lord... Let us pray for all of us, that the Holy Spirit may fill our hearts with love, that we may welcome Jesus in everyone with compassion and kindness. We pray to the Lord...

6 Let us pray together…. Thank you father for the forgiveness and mercy you shower on me today and every day. I may not always show it, but you know I love you and strive to grow ever closer to you through my actions and in my thoughts. Grant that the graces I receive from you will help mercy to flower even more fully in my relationships and with others. Grant, also, that I might learn to love as you love. Amen. Amen.


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