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Reconstruction and Daily Life

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1 Reconstruction and Daily Life
Supplementary Notes for Reconstruction

2 Responding to Freedom African Americans immediately started migrating
Just because they can Trying to get close to “freedom” Reuniting their broken families One man walked 600 miles to locate his family Freedman’s Bureau aided African Families in reuniting

3 Starting Schools Freedmen’s Schools
Schools created to educate African American children The children would then come home and teach the parents By % of the African-American population could read Southern Resistance White southerners would . . . kill school teachers that taught African-Americans Burn down Freedmen’s Schools

4 40 Acres and a Mule A rumor that started because of some abandoned land in South Carolina that was split into 40 acre sections “Give us our own land and we take care of ourselves, but without land, the old masters can hire us or starve us, as they please.” Radical Republicans wanted to split up plantation land and give it to African Americans Why? “Our wives, our children, our husbands, [have] been sold over and over again to purchase the lands we now [locate] upon; for that reason we have a divine right to the land And then didn’t we clear the land, and raise the crops of corn, of cotton, of tobacco, of rice, of sugar, of everything.”

5 Contract System Southern Plantations needed labor
African Americans needed work and money African-Americans would hire themselves to the highest bidder Better than slavery because . . . Choice for whom to work for Planters could not split up families Planters could not abuse African Americans Drawbacks Contracts paid very low wages Many owners cheated workers out of wages Laws punished workers for breaking contracts Even if breaking that contract was because of abuse

6 Sharecropping and Debt
A worker rents a plot of land Land owner provides seed, tools, and housing At the end of the season, the worker (sharecropper) would give the owner a portion of his crop Problems Farmers wanted to grow food for their family Owners wanted farmers to grow a cash crop of cotton Inflation Cycle – Supply and Demand Price of Cotton dropped South increased the amount of cotton they produced to makeup for it Increase in the supply of cotton, price of cotton dropped further Increase in land use, the soil was ruined South stayed in poverty for many years due to their dependence on a “one-crop system”

7 Sharecropping Cycle

8 The Ku Klux Klan Southerners started to fight violently to
restore white supremacy in the south keep former slaves powerless Clan attacked and killed African Americans and white republicans Burned houses Lynching President Johnson appointed pro-southern generals in charge of reconstruction The authorities in the south ignored the violence and rarely attempted to stop it Many klansmen were the authorities

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