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By: Tyknigha F. Amiya O. Alexyss T.

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1 By: Tyknigha F. Amiya O. Alexyss T.
PERSIAN Social Life By: Tyknigha F. Amiya O. Alexyss T.

2 Life Style Most Anglo-Saxons were farmers or fishers since they lived near the ocean and big rivers. Some lived in small villages and built wooden houses inside the walls of the roman towns. Others cleared spaces in the forest to build villages and make new fields. Most Anglo-Saxon were not christen, they worshiped many gods and goddesses.

3 Gender Issues Women had to endure arranged marriage, abuse,
and male dominance. Women also had to play the role of peace-weavers, or married off to the there families enemies to make truce between warring tribes. Men treated the women as sexual objects and had little respect for them, Law Called Warqile “man Price”.


5 Family Structure Anglo-Saxon families shared a one room house and everyone from babies to elders lived there, in one settlement only 2-3 families could fit. Each family house: one room with a hearth, brick or stone-lined fireplace, For cooking, heat, and light. They only used one single metal cooking pop


7 Jobs Farmers- Men, women and children helped farm
Woodworkers- Made wooden furniture, bowls and wheels Shoemakers- Made leather shoes Jewelers- Made metal brooches, beads and gold for naments for the rich.

8 Slavery To Anglo-Saxons slavery was a normal part of
their working economy. Families sold their children into slavery to ensure their survival. People were sent into slavery if they couldn’t pay fines. The Richest freemen were the “thanes”, kings helpers. Helped the king rule the land. Slaves were first to fight in wars.

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