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Why did bank customers return their savings to the banks?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did bank customers return their savings to the banks?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did bank customers return their savings to the banks?
Because of President Roosevelt’s Fireside chats in which he boosted confidence about Americans supporting the banking system.

2 In what two ways did the New Deal attempt to assist the unemployed?
The CCC put young men to work (18-25, building roads, parks, planting trees, etc.) and the PWA provided money to states to create jobs (construction of schools and community buildings.)

3 Why did people regard FDR’s court-packing scheme as a threat to the separation of powers?
They believed that the president was violating principles of judicial independence and the separation of powers.

4 Why was the Wagner Act significant?
It gave the federal government power to protect and aid workers.

5 Whom did Social Security help?
It helped retirees and their spouses, the unemployed, families with dependent children, and the disabled.

6 Why was the “Black Cabinet” important to the Roosevelt administration?
It gave President Roosevelt valuable advice on racial issues and provided African Americans with a voice, for the first time, at the highest levels of government.

7 Evaluate the actions and policies of the Roosevelt administration on Civil Rights.
Roosevelt was not committed to full civil rights. He did not support a federal anti lynching law and he did not end poll taxes.

8 Why did urban voters support Roosevelt?
Because of the New Deal labor laws and work-relief programs, which aided the urban poor.

9 Why did the New Deal fund art projects?
They believed that art played an important role in the life of the American people. They also believed that artists deserved work relief just as other unemployed Americans did.

10 Did literature during the 1930’s present a positive or a negative view of American society? Explain
Positive. Writers embraced cultural nationalism. They praised the virtues of American life and took pride in the nation’s cultural traditions and accomplishments.

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