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For the following sets of questions, write the questions and the answers on your paper. Then show your sub for a check-off grade.

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Presentation on theme: "For the following sets of questions, write the questions and the answers on your paper. Then show your sub for a check-off grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 For the following sets of questions, write the questions and the answers on your paper. Then show your sub for a check-off grade.

2 Differentiate Pathogen vs. non-pathogen
What is a microorganism? Are they good or bad? Which is “good”? Give an example. Can a non-pathogen become a pathogen? Give an example. What is another term for pathogen? What is an aerobic microorganism? What is an anaerobic microorganism?

3 Add to your foldable/flash cards
BBP = BloodBorne Pathogen HBV = Hepatitis b virus Hcv = hepatitis c virus Hiv = human immunodeficiency virus PPE= personal protective equipment OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration Pyogenic = pus-forming (wound with staph infection)

4 Using your book, list and thoroughly describe:
Virus (HBV, HCV, HIV/AIDS) Fungi Helminths Protozoa rickettsia

5 Differentiate bacteria and virus
Which is larger? What type of microscope is used to view each? How are each treated? Give an example of each type of disease.

6 Review You will label bacteria on test
Which microbe is tx with an antiviral? Which microbe is tx with an antifungal? Which microbe is tx with an antibiotic? Which family of microbes do the common cold, hbv, hcv, and hiv belong to? Which class of microbes is categorized by size and shape? Which is smaller- bacteria or virus? Strep throat is caused by which microbe? TB (tuberculosis) is caused by which microbe? Syphilis is caused by which microbe? Which microbe is animal-like? Which microbe is a worm? You will label bacteria on test

7 Use your ipad/phone to research the following:
Differentiate hbv, hcv, hiv/aids List the cause, signs/symptoms and treatment for each Who is at risk of contracting these infections? Which one has a vaccination? When is the vaccination given? Who pays for it? Which one has no cure? Which one leads to liver damage, liver failure, or liver cancer?

8 Draw a picture of these on your paper
Levels of “clean” What is meant by aseptic technique? What is antisepsis? Give an example. What is disinfection? Give an example. What is sterilization? Give an example. Differentiate “aseptic technique” and antisepsis. Which level would be used during surgery? Which level is used to clean a patient’s room, a restroom or your kitchen? Which level can be used on your skin? Draw a picture of these on your paper

9 Follow the link to take your open note quiz.
AE8DA8BD0FA703453F Access code: pathogen Complete quiz corrections when finished. Write the entire question and correct answer. Turn in to sub for check-off grade.

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