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Campaign Finance & Interest Groups

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Presentation on theme: "Campaign Finance & Interest Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaign Finance & Interest Groups
(How outside interests affect elections & politics)

2 Campaign Finance…

3 How do candidates finance their campaigns?
Ways are established by Congress & SCOTUS Lots of changes recently! Federal Election Commission (FEC) est – executive dept that administers federal election law & monitors campaign spending Candidates must disclose spending

4 Sources of Money Most campaign money comes from private sources
Individual citizens Corporations Interest groups PACs (Political Action Committees): political org. est. by interest group to support a candidate with money Interest groups cannot give $ directly to candidates so the PACs donate on their behalf

5 Citizens United decision (2010)
SCOTUS case Court decided that political spending is protected under the 1st Amendment (free speech) & corporations can spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities as long as it is independent of a political candidate “superPACs” that give unlimited contributions as long as it doesn’t “coordinate message” with the candidate Super PACs explained: pacs-explained-katie-couric html

6 Interest Groups

7 What are interest groups?
Organization of people with common interests that try to influence public policy How are interest groups different from political parties?

8 Types of Interest Groups
Business groups (big businesses, etc) Labor unions (ex: bricklayers, carpenters, etc…) Economic interests (insurance, etc…) Professional organizations (teachers, etc.) Special issues (NRA, abortion, etc.) Public-interest groups (environment, etc)

9 Influencing Public Policy
Lobbying Lobbyists are paid by interest groups to pressure individuals in D.C. Lobbyists must report who they’re working for/ amnt of $ they spend Political Action Committees (PACs) Propaganda (coming next time…)

10 What are the good and bad of interest groups?
Come up with 2 pros (good things) and 2 cons (bad things) of interest groups.

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