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Avila University (AU) SWOT Analysis

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1 Avila University (AU) SWOT Analysis
Martell Harris Bellevue University

2 SWOT Definition Internal External Strengths Opportunities (Capitalize)
Weakness (Shore up) External Opportunities (Invest) Threats (Identify) Understanding SWOT analysis is extremely important to the success of any organizations strategic plan and the development of their environmental scan. According to Erica Olsen (2008) “the minute we confuse the two(internal and external) we have a huge mess on our hands and the SWOT is no longer useful”.

A range of programs including academic programs Employee commitment & engagement Physical infrastructure of campus Positive community perception Affordability International presence

4 AU SWOT ANALYSIS Weaknesses:
A range of programs including academic programs Scarcity of financial resources Imbalanced quality of graduate programs Academic counseling Upkeep & condition of campus Inefficient information systems

5 AU SWOT ANALYSIS Weaknesses Cont:
Contending on the basis of ”COST" rather than diversity Viewed that we are not receptive to the community Unsatisfactory relationships with external communities & alumni Not reaching fundraising potential Absence of pace and flexibility when responding to new trends and issues

6 AU SWOT ANALYSIS Opportunities : Diversity of new entering students
Developed Avila’s brand name through additional marketing and communications Capitalize on Avila’s relatively small size to create an intimate and personal learning experience Improve new sources of income through program development, research funding, and interest of partnering/relationship tactics Built on strengths at developing programs internationally Realize Avila’s long term funding potential

7 AU SWOT ANALYSIS Threats: State Funding
Government Funding & Policy Uncertainty Public & Private Government Pressures University Student Enrollment Level University Perception Increased Higher Education Options (Household Named Colleges) Resource advantage held by Universities we want to exceed

8 AU Strategies Emphasize on Learning Strategic Enrollment Managing
Academic and Student Encouragement Effective Use of Resources Culture of Planning and Assessment If strategic planning at Avila University is developed carefully, it constructs a space for collaborative achievement and becomes the glue that holds the internationalization process of the organization together. In other words, it strengthens the culture of the organization and allows the university to become the institution it envisions its self to be. According to Robert Kaplin (2001) Align the organization to the strategy. Organizations are traditionally designed around functional specialties such as finance, manufacturing, and sales. Communicating and coordinating across functional lines is often difficult. Executives in strategy focused organizations replace formal reporting structures with strategic themes and priorities that enable a consistent message and consistent set of priorities to be used across diverse and dispersed organizational units.

9 1. Emphasis on Learning Goals:
AU Strategies 1. Emphasis on Learning Goals: Provide high quality academic programs in a supportive environment Enhance program quality with continuous systematic academic assessment Recruit and retain quality faculty Increase diverse learning opportunities for entire campus community Graduate career minded students with well developed critical thinking and communication skills

10 2. Strategic Enrollment Managing Goals:
AU Strategies 2. Strategic Enrollment Managing Goals: Decide best enrollment to serve preferred residents Manage growth for quality student experience and educational environment Reinforce widespread recruitment plan Spread and synchronize retention efforts

11 3. Academic and Student Support Goals:
AU Strategies 3. Academic and Student Support Goals: Continue to improve quality of student academic and residential experience Continue to increase student engagement in educational activities Continue to improve campus facilities Continue to improve student satisfaction of services

12 4. Effective Use of Resources:
AU Strategies 4. Effective Use of Resources: Manage and maximize physical and human resources Provide accessible, affordable, high quality academic programs and services Expand campus technological infrastructure to keep up with academic and social needs Continue long term financial planning strategy to support University priorities Increase Charitable support

13 5. Culture of Planning and Assessment:
AU Strategies 5. Culture of Planning and Assessment: Improve system for continuous strategic planning Increase communication and use of assessment information Reinforce planning and assessment efforts at all levels

14 Conclusion Strategic planning process increases the way a firm manages the internal resources, scanning the external environment, position themselves in an industry. Strategic planning process include efforts made by strategist and a number of essential dimensions for rational decision making including goals, environmental positioning and matching firm’s capabilities with opportunities. The strategic planning process addresses a long term goal and requires the involvement of top management (Leadership) in policy making, reviewing the objectives, goals, allocation of resources, identifying alternative strategies, scanning for environment and evaluation to the whole process (Hassan, 2010). The Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis shows that methodical changes must be realized to facilitate organizational growth and development to meet the expectations of employer, staff and the student body. As presented in this slide, Avila University has the base foundation required to offer a personalized and pioneering educational experience. In my opinion, intensive changes will be required for development and growth additionally meeting the organizations main concern. Even though limited resources are always an issue for any organization when tackling weaknesses or threats, it should not be anticipated that the cause for the weakness or threat is owed directly to limited resources. Organizations have the power to make resource distribution decisions constantly, and prioritize in what way to address certain strategic priorities. Ultimately, by understanding strengths & weaknesses and factoring opportunities & threats into tangible actions through the strategic planning process will help position Avila University as a superior and noticeable educational university in the community and state of Missouri.

15 References Hassan, H. (2010). The relationship between firms strategic orientations and strategic planning process. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(11), Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2001). The strategy-focused organization. Strategy & Leadership, 29(3), Olsen, E. (2008, July 28). SWOT analysis how to perform one for your organization. Retrieved October 5, 2016, from website:

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