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Bell ringer What does reform mean?.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringer What does reform mean?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringer What does reform mean?

2 The Origins of Progressivism

3 Progressivism Movement that wanted to build on existing society, making moderate political changes and social improvement through government action.

4 What reforms were needed?
Shame of the city (List 3) Overpopulation Xenophobia Gambling Robbery Extortion Prostitution Drug Use Not enough police & firefighters Inadequate sanitation (sewer/garbage service) Poor housing Political Corruption Industrial disorder (poor working conditions, child labor, long hours, low pay

5 Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives included photographs!

6 Progressives Goals Prevent businesses from treating competing companies unfairly Improve safety and working conditions for workers Outlaw child labor


8 More goals Create programs to help the sick, unemployed, and elderly
Reduce government corruption Give women the right to vote

9 Muckrakers Muckrakers were journalist who alerted the public to wrongdoing in politics and business

10 Famous muckrakers Upton Sinclair (meat packing industry) The Jungle

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