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Unit 1: Colonization & Revolution

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1 Unit 1: Colonization & Revolution
Week 1 – Colonizing America

2 What were the reasons for English colonization of America?
Essential Question What were the reasons for English colonization of America?

3 Vocabulary Puritans (pg. 60) Joint-stock Companies (pg. 61)
Burgesses (pg. 63) John Winthrop (pg. 67) William Penn (pg. 74) Quakers (pg. 75)

4 English Colonies Colonies settled by Great Britain (England)
3 Major Colonial Regions New England Mid-Atlantic (Middle) Southern

5 Colonies New England Mid-Atlantic Southern
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut Mid-Atlantic New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware Southern Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

6 Motivations for Settling
New England Religious Dissent (Disagreement) The Puritans wanted to establish a community built solely on pure biblical teaching rather than Anglican (The Church of England) traditions.

7 Motivations for Settling Cont.
Mid-Atlantic Religious Freedom & Financial Gain Religious sects such as the Quakers were persecuted by the Puritans and left New England The Swedes and Dutch had already settled in this region trade goods from the new world

8 Motivations for Settling Cont.
Southern Financial Gain The first successful English settlement was Jamestown, Virginia in The settlement was founded by a Joint-Stock Company, The Virginia Company, to make money off of the trade of new world goods.

9 Impact Because of these different locations and motivations the three colonial regions will develop unique economies, societies, and political practices.

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