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The knee Emergency Response Management For

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Presentation on theme: "The knee Emergency Response Management For"— Presentation transcript:

1 The knee Emergency Response Management For
Athletic Trainers you need to use the text book as you follow along; use of internet will be totally worng)

2 List the 5 types of rare traumatic knee injuries discussed in the book.

3 List 5 specific examples of those injuries.

4 According to paragraph 1 on page 366, what is identified as a main concern of traumatic knee injuries?

5 How does a kneed dislocation occur?

6 According to current research (see green box on p 366), “an athletic trainer in the presence of a possible traumatic knee injury should be concerned with…?

7 Use table 16.6 on p 367 for the next several slides.

8 1. a. describe the force (mechanism of injury) that causes knee dislocation.
B. pre-reduction: what type of splint would you use? C. post-reduction: what type of splint would you use? D. google this: 1) what does reduction mean in regards to dislocation? 2) google image: knee dislocation Knee dislocation

9 patellar dislocation 2. acute patellar dislocation:
A. describe force to cause this injury Signs/symptoms? Splints used? patellar dislocation

10 Patellar fracture 1. a. mechanism of injury B. Signs/symptoms?
C. Immobilization techniques? Patellar fracture

11 You should have answers for each slide and number/letter
You should have answers for each slide and number/letter. Submit your work to the sub teacher. finally

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