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LA 12 2015-16 Ms. Platte Room 310.

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Presentation on theme: "LA 12 2015-16 Ms. Platte Room 310."— Presentation transcript:

1 LA Ms. Platte Room 310

2 Education Master of Teaching from WWU (2007)
- Secondary Education - Differentiated Instruction Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English Literature and Creative Writing from USC (2003) - Pre-Law - History - Performing Arts

3 Professional Experience
Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, CA ( ) Chinese American International School, San Francisco ( ) Mt. Si High School (2014 – present) LA 12 Course Lead Teacher

4 What’s Happening in LA 12 Personal/College Essay – Final drafts due in 2 weeks Graduation Requirement Myth, Folklore & Fairytales – starting next week How the Dark Ages inspired art Elements of myth/folktales/fairytales, Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, archetypes, symbolism In-class synthesis essay, group projects Shakespeare’s Hamlet Poetry, Grammar, Nonfiction

5 What’s Happening in LA 12, cont.
2nd Semester: Satire: Voltaire’s Candide Comparisons with other satires (“A Modest Proposal” Research assignment with a 2-sided issue/write a proposal Kafka’s Metamorphosis Camus’ The Stranger Persepolis – modern Iranian text Poetry, formal letter writing, resumes, nonfiction texts

6 Practice and Assessment
Practices (usually daily work) are designed to help students be successful on assessments. Practice assignments may only be made up if a student has an excused absence. Daily annotation Discussion Questions and Seminars Reading Logs Formal letter writing with vocabulary Study Guides Group Presentations Assessments may include: annotations, weekly letters, writing assessments, presentations, independent reading projects, a speech or some type of “performance,” etc.

7 Required Materials to Bring…
CLASS MATERIALS: Spiral notebook for a “journal” A 3-ring binder w/dividers (NOT just a notebook with folders) Notebook paper Sticky notes for library books (you may purchase your own books) Pens/pencils/highlighters BOOKS: MSHS provides copies of all texts but students may benefit from owning their own copy (new or used) for purposes of annotating directly onto the text. Stickynotes serve the same purpose and are used if the student checks out a school copy.

8 Student Success Class Website Coursework Organization Weekly check-ins
Writing conferences In-person help during lunch/before/after school

9 Class Website The class website:
- Linked to my name on the MSHS “Teacher” page

10 Contact Information Monday – Friday 6:45 am – 3:30 pm School Phone Number (Direct): Teacher website: *Updated daily*

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