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Freud’s Conscience List some things about yourself in three columns

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1 Freud’s Conscience List some things about yourself in three columns
1) Things about yourself based on natural instincts and desires 2) Some descriptions of how you are 3) some things that you think have impacted you from the world you are in

2 Freud Agenda… To understand the foundations and motivations behind Freud’s notion of the conscience To consider how the id, ego and superego develop and work together To understand Gula’s objection Homework… Ext/Hwk – Read and take notes on Gula handout and answer the questions on sheet

3 Foundations of Guilt Oedipus Complex –
The son sexually desires his Mum Electra Complex – The daughter sexually desires her Dad (not as strongly) We feel guilty about this and this feeling is the basis of our conscience

4 Three Parts of Self

5 1 - ID Inner, animalistic desires and natural passions

6 2 – Ego Conscious image that we present of ourselves. Reasoned, reflective and ID limiting.

7 3 - Superego Socially developed and internalised sense of good and bad. Subconscious Based on guilt

8 Task 1 – On handout, read each statement and highlight it according to whether it relates to the ID, Ego or Superego 2 – Diagrammatically depict Freud’s conscience, including the three aspects of self and guilt

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