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2nd Grade 2012-2013.

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1 2nd Grade

2 In addition to the school supply list, your child will also need:
1 pair of ear buds (head phones) 1 Flash drive/USB (to save & transfer documents) 1 pkg – dry erase markers 1 pkg (1 ream) – computer printing paper 4 rolls of scotch tape/invisible tape 1 pkg – post it notes

3 School Arrival 2nd Grade teachers pick students up at 7:50 from the gym every morning. School Starts at 8:00. Students are considered TARDY at 8:00. 3 Tardies = 1 Absence

4 School Breakfast Breakfast is served from 7:30 - 8:00 in the café.
All students receive FREE breakfast. LATE Students eating a breakfast 8:00 will eat in the 2nd grade hallway. Students must finish eating breakfast by the time the announcements start at 8:10.

5 School Lunch Lunch is from 11:40-12:10 everyday. Lunch Procedures:
Red Cup = No Talking Green Cup = Voice level 1 (Low Voice) Students have red cup to insure they eat.

6 School Lunch Behavior Well behaved classes receive a “Spoon”
The class with the MOST “Spoons” for the week will receive the “Golden Spoon” and their class picture will be hung on the Wall of Fame. At the end of each 6 weeks the class with the most wins, is awarded an EXTRA recess!

7 School Recess Recess is from 12:10-12:40 everyday.
Rainy days will be spent in the classroom for indoor recess. Every Friday is “FOOTBALL FRIDAYS” with Mr. J.

8 School Dismissal School is over at 3:30.
Please pick up your child promptly at 3:30. At 3:45, students will wait with administrative staff. If you are picking your child up by car, please remember there are only 2 lanes in the school driveway.

9 The Jump from 1st to 3rd Grade
1st grade: major focus on early reading 3rd grade: Must take and pass both the STAARS Reading and Math State Standardized tests, while engaging in 90% PBL Based Learning.

10 In 2nd Grade… Students will learn to
Be proficient in Reading Comprehension Break down numbers up to 1,200 Recall addition and subtraction facts (sum equaling 20) Work collaboratively in groups Navigate websites and be proficient in basic computer programs

11 Our Class Mission Statement
We will be prepared, follow the rules, be college minded, incorporate technology into our learning and always do our best! Mrs. Gomez’ Class Mission Statement

12 What is Project Based Learning (PBL)?

13 Data Notebooks Students will keep track of their progress through a Data Notebook. With a Data Notebook students will always know their strong areas as well as the areas that need improvement. Students will lead our October Parent Conferences.

14 Rubrics Each 6 weeks, 2nd graders will take part in at least 1 PBL. A PBL lasts approximately 3 weeks. Rubrics will be given to students before our project begins to keep track of their project requirements.

15 Technology Each 2nd grade class has been assigned 5 laptops for student use, a projector, document camera and Smart Board. We also have access to video cameras. All of these items will be used by the students.

16 School Planners All 2nd Graders have been issued a planner.
Students will write their Spelling Words and many notes for you (the parents) to read each week. Parents, please sign EVERY night. Lost planners will cost $5 to replace.

17 Homework Each student is required to read 20 minutes each night of the week, totaling 100 minutes a week. Each 2nd grade teacher also has different/ additional homework expectations. (Copies provided)

18 School Wide P.A.W.S. PAWS are common area expectations.
When students are demonstrating PAWS behavior a teacher may “punch” their card. Each card is leveled. Students are rewarded for “punches” with positive phone calls, prizes and entered into drawings (at pep rallies).

19 C.H.A.M.P.S./ Classroom Management
Champs is a school wide initiative. Teachers go over champs at the beginning of each activity, lesson or transition so students always know what is expected of them. Teachers also have their own classroom management plan (copies provided).

20 PTA PTA Dues are $8 per family.
All 2nd grade students that become members of PTA will be invited to a “Members Only” ice cream party held during school. PTA meets the 1st Thursday of each month. 2nd Grade will perform in February.

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