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Number :Money Level 2 MeasurementTechnology Grades 1and 2.

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1 Number :Money Level 2 MeasurementTechnology Grades 1and 2

2 Introduction Demographics: The group included twelve students: The group included twelve students: nine grade twos and three grade ones; nine grade twos and three grade ones; there were nine boys and three girls there were nine boys and three girls The group was identified by grades ones and twos completing a concept mind map on Money The group was identified by grades ones and twos completing a concept mind map on Money The students were chosen based on their insight into money on the mind map. The students were chosen based on their insight into money on the mind map.

3 Questions about money? What is money? Why do we have money? Where is money found? Where is it made? When do we use money ?

4 Identify Money and making Money Combinations Australian coins and notes Australian coins and notes Create combinations up to the value of $100.00 Create combinations up to the value of $100.00 Combining notes and coins to an amount. Combining notes and coins to an amount.

5 Shopping and Making change List of grocery items and prices were posted for the students to see. List of grocery items and prices were posted for the students to see. They had to chose ten items to the value of $25.00 or as close to this amount as possible. They had to chose ten items to the value of $25.00 or as close to this amount as possible. Calculators were used for adding and substituting items. Calculators were used for adding and substituting items. Students had to make sure items equalled $25.00 Students had to make sure items equalled $25.00

6 Shopping and Making Combinations Students were given $50.00 and allowed to select items from the brochures. Students were given $50.00 and allowed to select items from the brochures. Students were encouraged to combine three or more items to the value of $50.00. Students were encouraged to combine three or more items to the value of $50.00.

7 Currency Students were asked to bring in different currency. Students were asked to bring in different currency. The currency that was shared was from France, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, America, England and Canada. The currency that was shared was from France, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, America, England and Canada. Discussion occurred regarding the Euro. Discussion occurred regarding the Euro.

8 Currency Exchange Students searched on the computer for a currency converter site. Students searched on the computer for a currency converter site. Students typed in an amount and converted it to different currencies. Students typed in an amount and converted it to different currencies. currency exchange currency converter

9 Using currency converter

10 Costing using Currency Conversions Students shared their results about conversions Students shared their results about conversions Discussions about decimal points and rounding off occurred Discussions about decimal points and rounding off occurred Students were given the cost of a McDonalds Big Mac in a variety of countries. Students were given the cost of a McDonalds Big Mac in a variety of countries. Discussion involved the different costs and conversion amounts in U.S. dollars. Discussion involved the different costs and conversion amounts in U.S. dollars. Discussion occurred about why the Big Mac costs less in some countries. Discussion occurred about why the Big Mac costs less in some countries. Students cut out pictures of five different items and recorded their costs. Students cut out pictures of five different items and recorded their costs. Then they used the currency converter to calculate the costs of these items in another country. Then they used the currency converter to calculate the costs of these items in another country.

11 Locating Currency around the World Students were given a map of the world with country names labelled. Students were given a map of the world with country names labelled. Students located a country and typed the name in the currency converter site and discovered the name of the currency. Students located a country and typed the name in the currency converter site and discovered the name of the currency. Students wrote the currency name on to the map. Students wrote the currency name on to the map.

12 Design Own Currency Name currency Naming notes and coins Identify notes and coins How much is your currency worth compared to the Australian dollar

13 Samples of Students Currency

14 Conclusion Students completed another mind map; from these results it was shown that students increased their awareness and understanding of various aspects of money such as different currencies, countries and why things cost more in some countries than in others. Students completed another mind map; from these results it was shown that students increased their awareness and understanding of various aspects of money such as different currencies, countries and why things cost more in some countries than in others.

15 Reflection Students were enthusiastic about learning about currency Students were enthusiastic about learning about currency High interest level when using currency converter High interest level when using currency converter Became more aware of shopping and costs Became more aware of shopping and costs

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