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Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3

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1 Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3
Science 8th Grade Notes: Standard 18 Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3 Describe the relationship between the processes and forces that create igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Terms/Phrases to Investigate processes, forces, rock, igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary Science and Engineering Practice(s) Construct Explanations, Argue from Evidence Crosscutting Concepts Patterns, Cause and Effect, Stability and Change SWBAT … describe the processes and forces that form igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

2 February 26, 2019 Do Now –USE CARE METHOD. 5 mins
Review Questions Notes: Standard 18

3 Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3
Science 8th Grade Notes: Standard 18 Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3 Describe the relationship between the processes and forces that create igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Terms/Phrases to Investigate processes, forces, rock, igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary Science and Engineering Practice(s) Construct Explanations, Argue from Evidence Crosscutting Concepts Patterns, Cause and Effect, Stability and Change SWBAT … describe the processes and forces that form igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

4 Engage. 5 mins

5 Four to One- 20 mins As you watch the video, be prepared to write a 1 sentence summary.

6 What are Rocks? What are rocks made of?
Rocks are solid aggregates comprised of one or more minerals. What is aggregate in rocks? Aggregate: combinations of particles of minerals. What are minerals in rocks? Naturally occurring inorganic solids with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline internal structure.

7 Explore: Rock Detective
Directions: You and a partner will explore the stations set up around the room. You will complete the chart below with the necessary information. You will have approximately 3 minutes at each station. I will instruct you when to move. Number of Rock/ Mineral Name of Rock or Mineral Is it a rock (R) or a mineral (M)? If rock, what type? If rock, what process caused it to form? What is something you learned about the rock/mineral?

8 Igneous Rock Process Forces A.K.A. Magmatic rock formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten rock . Examples: Granite, Basalt, Obsidian, etc. Link (1:27): Igneous Rock Intro Process Step One: solid rock is heated until it liquifies It undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid. Step Two: This molten rock cools until it solidifies It undergoes a phase change from liquid to solid. Forces Heat: Earth’s interior is very hot hot as the surface of the Sun (10, 800 degrees Fahrenheit) Pressure: Gravity causes tremendous pressure under ground ...the deeper you go, the greater the pressure

9 Sedimentary Rock Process Forces
Rock formed by lithification (compaction and cementation) of sediment. Three Types: (1) Clastic, (2) Chemical, & (3) Organic Link (3:35): Sedimentary Rock Intro Process Step 1: Weathering (breaking rocks into small pieces) Step 2: Erosion (movement/transportation of these pieces of rock) Step 3: Deposition (accumulation of these pieces) Step 4: Compaction (pressure squeezes the pieces together) Step 5: Cementation (pieces are “glued” together) Forces Gravity: moves rock, makes water fall (rain) and flow downward Thermal Expansion: rock expands/contracts with temp changes Freeze/thaw cycle: ice in pores/cracks expands breaking the rock Glacial Transportation: ice sheets scour, grind, and move rock Chemical Reactions: chemical interactions of the sediment’s atoms

10 rock that has been changed by heat and pressure.
Metamorphic Rock rock that has been changed by heat and pressure. Link (1:38): Metamorphic Rock Process Step 1: rock is exposed to intense heat or tremendous pressure Step 2: physically or chemically alters it, make its more dense Note: sedimentary or igneous rock can become metamorphic rock Forces heat and pressure Contact metamorphism: in contact with a heat sources Regional metamorphism: subjected to pressure over a large area Granite Gneiss Sandstone Quartzite Limestone Marble becomes becomes becomes

11 Each type of rock can be converted into one of the other types.
Rock Cycle a model that includes the formation, breakdown, and reformation of rocks as a result of sedimentary, igneous, and/or metamorphic processes. Each type of rock can be converted into one of the other types. Link (4:38): 3 Types of Rocks and the Rock Cycle

12 Videos About Rocks Flowchart
Video 01 (5:37): Igneous Rocks (with flowchart) Video 02 (8:39): Sedimentary Rock (with flowchart) Video 03 (3:59): Metamorphic Rocks (with flowchart) Igneous Rock Sedimentary Rock Metamorphic Rock Flowchart ---fill in the provided flowchart while watching these videos--- (see the next slide for the flowchart)

13 Rock Flowchart

14 Review Questions Notes: Standard 18 cementation

15 Review Questions Notes: Standard 18

16 Review Questions Notes: Standard 18

17 Review Questions Notes: Standard 18

18 Closure: Complete the sentence below.
One thing I will remember about today’s lesson is ________________.

19 2-1-4 Create a padlet that provides the following information based on any topic related to rocks: 2-facts 1-clue 4-pictures

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