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Reading Comprehension, Week 9

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1 Reading Comprehension, Week 9
Scientific Narrative

2 Overview The three readings for this week build on information about Spinosaurus, a water-loving carnivorous dinosaur found in Morocco. The three narratives each provide information about the history of the dinosaur’s discovery. The task for students will be to read the three narratives and record events using the Organizer for Week 9. Once all relevant events have been recorded, the students will then put them in their proper sequence and retell the story of Spinosaurus’s discovery in chronological order.

3 First Hour Review information and vocabulary from Week 8 on the discovery of Spinosaurus. Ask students what questions they might have or have wondered about as they read last week. What don’t we know about this discovery yet? Record these questions on the board. Distribute the Information Organizer but only one sheet per two or three students (students will work in pairs or in threes for this assignment). Select one of the three readings for this week. As a whole class, begin to read, using the Shared Reading approach (teacher reads and wonders aloud as he or she reads) for the first paragraph or so. Prompt students to write down and record the Date, Location, Who and What Happened for each event. Leave the Sequence blank for now. Continue reading through the first reading, either as a whole class or in pairs/threes, stopping to record information as new information is read about.

4 Second Hour Using the same Information Organizer and approach as in the First Hour, have students read the second article in pairs or threes, adding new information to each event or adding new events that they read about. The instructor should be circulating in the class as students read. Stop at the half hour and check students’ progress as the students read. Continue the exercise with the third reading, having students work in pairs/threes.

5 Third Hour When all groups have finished note taking, stop and have a whole class discussion. How many separate dates, locations, and events are there to this story? Have students work in pairs or threes to put the story in chronological order, putting a 1 in the Sequence cell for the first event, 2 for what happened next, 3 for the next, and so on. As a whole class, review the sequence of events and all information that was gained from the three articles. Have students retell the story in chronological order, either in writing (in pairs or threes) or whole-class discussion.

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