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Connect: What do the images have in common and how are they used in websites? Anchor and Bookmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Connect: What do the images have in common and how are they used in websites? Anchor and Bookmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connect: What do the images have in common and how are they used in websites?
Anchor and Bookmark

2 Learning objectives: You are learning how to create an effective website. You will learn how to create an Anchor point (Bookmark) on a webpage. This will help you to develop your web design skill set and it will also develop your literacy skills. Anchor or Bookmark

3 Highlight the word/image before you click Insert.
Select the word or image you want the user to move to then click Insert, Bookmark. Highlight the word/image before you click Insert. Anchor or Bookmark – the words will appear in the bookmark popup box.

4 Click on the hyperlink icon on the menu bar.
Highlight the text you want the user to click on to move to the chosen place on the page. Click on the hyperlink icon on the menu bar. Choose Bookmarks. OK. Save. Preview in a Browser. Anchor or Bookmark

5 Learn how to write the code yourself to create an Anchor point.
Extension: Learn how to write the code yourself to create an Anchor point. Practise on your site.

6 Text (words), Images, useful instructions. (sound if appropriate).
Demonstrate: Create a User Guide using your own screenshots/images and words to teach Year 7 students how to create an Anchor point in a webpage. You can use any suitable medium to create your User Guide e.g. short animation, video clip, other. Success criteria: Text (words), Images, useful instructions. (sound if appropriate).

7 SMSC : How can features such as Anchor points help people in society who may have challenges or disabilities? Do website creators have a duty to make sure that everyone can access their websites?

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