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Station #1: Writing Station

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1 Station #1: Writing Station
Open your Compare/Contrast document from last class. Finish your outline if you have not already done so. Revise your outline so that it looks like an actual essay. When your essay is FINISHED get a sample essay from Mrs. Bing to help you to revise.

2 Station #2: Reading Station
Today you are completing your literature circle discussion sheet. Continue reading The Wednesday Wars based on where you stopped. (Should be Ch 6 or Ch 7.) Complete your literature circle job while you are reading. Do NOT wait until you are finished reading to complete it. Continue reading even after you are finished with your literature circle discussion sheet.

3 Discussion Facilitator-Example Questions
What kinds of conflicts are the characters facing? What do you think about the way the author _______________? What if ___________________________ had happened instead? What would you have done had you been in this character’s shoes? What did you think about this event? Did this surprise you? Why or why not? What do you think will happen next?

4 Discussion Facilitator
Questions Your Response Group Members How did you feel when you found out that Mrs. Bigio’s husband died? Why? I was completely shocked when I found out that Mrs. Bigio’s husband died because before that moment, the war was just kind of in the background. When Mrs. Bigio’s husband died, it made the war a more important part of the story. One of my group members wasn’t surprised at all. She knew that someone was going to die because of all the war casualties from the Vietnam War.

5 Bridge Builder-Example
Pg # Event From Book Type of Connection (Circle one) Connection 1 Holling feels that Mrs. Baker hates him. Text to Text Text to Self Text to World This reminds me of how Margo from “All Summer in a Day” felt about her classmates and teacher.

6 Quote Analyst Example Pg # Quote (If it is too long, abbreviate it.)
What does this quote mean? (What is happening at this point of the story?) Why did you choose this quote? 1 “Of all the kids in the seventh grade at Camillo Junior High, there was one kid that Mrs. Baker hated with heat whiter than the sun.” This quote is at the very beginning of the story. Holling uses it to describe how much he thinks Mrs. Baker hates. I chose this quote because I can’t believe that a teacher could hate a student that much at the beginning of the school year. You would think that he did something crazy to her but Holling says he didn’t do anything.

7 Word Supervisor Example
Pg # Unknown Word How is it used in the text? (Copy the sentence.) Dictionary Definition Rewrite Definition in your own words. Write an ORIGINAL sentence using the unknown word. 2 Catechism “at 1:55, the other half went to Catechism at Saint Adelbert’s.” a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instruction of Christians. A summary of the beliefs of Christian religion that is used to teach Christians. I have never attended a class that teaches Catechism.

8 Station #3: Discussion Session
You are going to answer discussion questions that talk about events in The Wednesday Wars. Answer the Discussion questions using the ACE method. A=Answer in a complete sentence. C=Cite evidence from the text. E=Explain how your evidence proves your answer. Each answer should be at least 3 sentences each. (It can have more sentences, but not less.) Write your answers on the paper provided in the folder. Log in to Edmodo. Under the question posted by Mrs. Bing, click “Reply.” Type your answer into the box and click post.

9 Discussion Questions What is your opinion of Mr. Kowalski’s actions regarding the architectural design for the new school? How do you think his actions affected Meryl Lee? Was Danny Hupfer right to punch the student from the Eighth Grade who teased Mai Thi? Should he have been suspended? Should his parents have rewarded him by taking him on a trip? Why do you think his parents did this?

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