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Emerging Adulthood.

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Presentation on theme: "Emerging Adulthood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerging Adulthood

2 Definition of “Adult” Biologically – once a human being or other organism that has reached sexual maturity. Traditionally - associated with social and legal concepts.

3 Legal adult is a person who has attained the age of majority (usually 18/19) and is therefore regarded as independent, self-sufficient, and responsible.

4 Brainstorm what is means to be an Adult

5 Article “Emerging Adult”
Are we needing a new term for “Pre Adult”? How has society changed over the years in term of being an Adult?

6 Moving later into Adulthood
18 use to be considered becoming an Adult Many young adults are still financially and emotionally dependent on their parents well into their 20’s Many young people today are delaying marriage and having children much later therefore the transition into “Adulthood” is much longer Remember the definition of “Adult” People are attending Universities, Colleges, or Trade school for at least 4 years 20’s have now become a very distinct period of the life course with change and exploration of possible life directions

7 20 Something What stage do you think “20 Something” is in.
What are some similarities and differences between her and Katie?

8 Milestones At your table brainstorm so of the milestones that an Adult would go through Plot out every 5 years on a timeline

9 Erik Erikson’s Stages in Development
Love: Intimacy vs Isolation Question: Can I Love? Emphasized around age 30 Still eager to blend identify with friends Want to fit in Once identify has been established One is able to form intimate, reciprocal relationships Willing to make sacrifices to make the relationship work

10 Care: Generativity vs Stagnation Question: Can I make my life count?
Concern with guiding the next generation Contributing to society & helping to guide the younger generation They get a sense of productivity and accomplishment

11 Ego Integrity vs Despair Question: Is it OK to have been me?
Slow down productivity and explore life as a retired person Contemplate our accomplishments & analyze if we have lead a sucessful life Look back at your life and hopefully have a feeling of contentment

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