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The Enlightenment Mr. Black.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment Mr. Black."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment Mr. Black

2 What is it? A movement of ideas occurring in Europe in late 1600’s through late 1700’s. Enlightenment thinkers sought to understand the natural world and humankind's place in it solely on the basis of reason and without turning to religious belief

3 Prior to the Enlightenment:
The Church is in league with the King.

4 Rationalism- the idea that reason is the source of truth and understanding.
Reason: to form conclusions or judgments from facts or premises. The Enlightenment became a conflict between religion and the inquiring mind that wanted to know and understand through reason based on evidence and proof.

5 Influences Upon Enlightenment
New advances in science and math had heavy impact. ex., Newton’s study of gravity and Copernican Theory (earth revolves around sun) Challenged established religious ideas about universe Natural Law: Nature is controlled by a universal system of rules. (ex. Physics, Biology) Enlightened thinkers believed that human social behaviors also followed natural laws (ex., in politics and economics).

6 Conditions of 17th Century Europe
Most lived under an absolute monarchy: king or queen has absolute, or total control over people’s lives This comes from the belief in the Divine Right of kings, meaning they get their power to rule from God. Churches have tremendous hold over lives of people.

7 Key Ideas of the Enlightenment

8 Natural Rights John Locke believed that natural law gave each every person basic “natural rights” that could not be taken away. *These natural rights included a person’s right to personal freedom and to own and use property. Locke believed government exists only with consent of governed, to protect our rights. “Man is born free, but today he is everywhere in chains.”

9 Social Contract Jean-Jacque Rousseau’s theory developed during the Enlightenment that government is based on an agreement between those who govern and those who are governed. the ‘general will’ The social contract would replace divine right.

10 Religious Tolerance Voltaire
Enlightenment thinkers began to challenge the role played by religious institutions like the Catholic Church in society. They believed people should accept different religious beliefs without conflict They believed in a separation of church and state.

11 Separation of Powers Baron de Montesquieu believed in a Separation of Powers in government Checks and Balances

12 Universal Suffrage Mary Wollstonecraft supported Enlightenment principles Advocated women’s rights and equality Her ideas were basis for later women’s movement.

13 Impact of Enlightenment

14 American Revolution American colonists protested British taxes-“taxation without representation” Jefferson borrowed Enlightenment ideas for the Declaration of Independence

15 French Revolution France was ruled by a monarchy until revolution breaks out ( ) Citizens establish a National Assembly to represent the people’s “will” Issue “Declaration of the Rights of Man”, based upon Enlightenment principles, ends privileges of nobility Monarchy abolished, king executed and a republic established

16 Latin American Independence
Many European colonies in Latin America will be inspired to seek independence by Enlightenment and French and American examples. Simon Bolivar

17 Industrial Revolution

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