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Economics & Society (Today!)

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Presentation on theme: "Economics & Society (Today!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics & Society (Today!)

2 Directions: Write in the definition or explanation for each term on each slide Some terms will ask you to include an example. Write a country’s name that fits the definition in this space.

3 Developed Nation Definition: Ex:

4 Developing Nation Definition: Ex:

5 Underdeveloped Nation
Definition: Ex:

6 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

7 Per Capita - Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

8 Poverty Line Definition:
What is the current international poverty line?

9 Labor Force Definition:

10 Standard of Living Definition:

11 Population Pyramid Definition: Ex: (picture)

12 Famine Definition:

13 European Union Explanation:

14 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

15 World Trade Organization (WTO)

16 International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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